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why did god give us emotions

I went to a conference—this was about ten years ago—and there was a speaker. Bob: Well, as you bring that up, you said something, just a few minutes ago, David, about men not being good at emotions. Dennis: Alright. Fear is a survival instinkt. David: We were children when we got married. Dennis: —or block a few extra times. I’m going to ask you, Jan, to speak to the husbands, who are listening right now, who may be married to a wife who doesn’t know how to express her emotions; and it baffles the husband. I hope that instead of suppressing your emotions today, you’ll allow it to accomplish its purpose. You’ll stop wishing away these negative emotions and be grateful for the amazing gift it is and the depth it adds to your life. Dennis: Kind of scorched you back, right off the bat; huh? In fact, there’s a clip on our website at if you’d like to get a little sneak preview of some of what that work is starting to look like. You hide so he doesn't see you but even more than fear; you feel angry and disgusted. Your kids are depending to provide not only good food but a good example and you're not about to disappoint them. Corine Williams, Ph.D. is Clinical Psychologist that is currently seeing clients through But because our emotions are wired into our fallen natures as well as into our regenerated natures, sin and Satan have access to them and will use them to try and manipulate us to act faithlessly. If you’re able to contribute today, your donation will be matched, dollar for dollar, as we work our way toward our May goal. She asks for forgiveness and promises never to do those things again. David: I think wives have a much higher E.Q. The first person to get angry in the Bible is the first person ever born. I said, “You’re very angry.”  She said, “How astute!”—that was her response. Emotions exist as part of us and are God-given. Now imagine what would have happened if you didn't feel angry and disgusted that day? Shocked and confused, you ask her why she would say something like that. You get up and do what any best friend would, you bring out your Bible, and remind her of the truth. takes a look at what science has learned about emotions from a biblical perspective. Imagine if the possibility of your kids having no food didn't make you so anxious. I don’t really think I was able to express my emotions—even though before we talked, I thought I did—but I don’t think that I really knew what I felt, and I didn’t think it was safe—yes—to be that kind of a person who talked about being upset or angry. She responds with a list of sins she committed while traveling for work one weekend. Bob: And then, they are aware how that’s—. We got to talking, and she started softening and crying. I’m married to the ministry.”, David: You said, “I thought you were married to me.”. This man is beating her up on the street in broad daylight, and nobody is trying to stop him. In spite of what he says, he’s a scared little boy. We do not reject the genuine because there is the false. When we speak of God having emotions, this is not anthropopathic language. You instantly drop everything and run towards her before she gets to the water. We’re trying to figure that out ourselves; but we’re also trying to teach her, when we have her—we have her a lot, because they don’t live very far from us—not to have to be angry. Bob: This is FamilyLife Today for Thursday, May 4th. Jesus’ anger at the synagogue leaders in Mark 3:5 and His love for the rich young ruler in Mark 10:21 were perfectly motivated responses of His divine nature. Give thanks to God — for God. is a book twenty years in the making, based on Peurifoy’s focused study, counseling experiences and growing maturity in the faith. Still wondering... 'Why Did God Give Us Emotions?' Let’s not dodge it. You look for news ways to make money. You start feeling anxious about what might happen. He doesn’t show shame, because He’s not evil; He’s pure. Why Did God Give Us Emotions?, Reneau Peurifoy, Smashwords Edition. She remembers, and she repents. I said to the husband—I said, “What are you feeling when you watch your wife weep like that?”  He said, “Well, I think…”—I said, “Don’t tell me what you think / tell me what you feel.” And there was silence—he couldn’t do it. If you feel emotionally troubled and would love to undergo a spiritual facelift, why not buy a copy of Why Did God Give Us Emotions? The 16th century reformer, John Calvin, called Psalms “the Anatomy of all the parts of the Soul” and observed that. When He gave us a brain, a heart, and a soul, He did that with a purpose in mind. —that can go a long way to having a better marriage. You remind her that every bit of God's word is true, including, Corine Williams, Ph.D. is Clinical Psychologist that is currently seeing clients through, . [Laughter]. The universal language of the emotions is the face. "From the very start I’ve had two goals: I wanted to look at what science has learned about emotions from a biblical perspective and I wanted to do it in a way that would strengthen the reader’s walk with God," … [Laughter]  But we were young—not 12—but we were very young. Imagine this: It's getting closer to the end of the month, you have bills to pay and mouths to feed but no money in your bank account. David: And our parents weren’t emotionally expressive. [Laugher]He didn’t even know the language of emotions. Packed with biblical references and checklists, Why Did God Give Us Emotions? And He shows joy, because there’s joy in heaven when somebody enters the kingdom. reply report. Copyright © 2017 FamilyLife. You remind her that Jesus died for her and that He loves her even after all the sins she committed. You write down your notes, and then get together and talk about it, and then move on to the next chapter. Jan: —but we didn’t do well those first few years. Today, she lives a life full of purpose and love, helping other women who are victims of domestic abuse. Dennis: Early in our marriage, I was very expressive. You get up and do what any best friend would, you bring out your Bible, and remind her of the truth. Dave was getting his degrees and being a pastor at the same time. Also, if I say what I’m feeling, just let me.”. Dennis: —with more than a little bit of experience. Her husband who was released from jail as a changed man - helps her in efforts. Help us increase mental health awareness in the Christian community by donating through our paypal link here: the information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this article are for informational purposes only. is directly related to how successful you’re going to be in your relationships and your work. Can you imagine what might have happened if the fear didn't make you drop everything and run? [Laughter], Jan: Well, I guess further, into that, I would tell him that: “I’m afraid to say what my emotion is because it’s not been safe in the past,” and “I don’t want to cause things to be harder or more—we don’t want to really fight about it. When we are filled with the spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, then we feel sorrow for sin, not anger. —who really did a really hard thing with her and caused her to fall on her bike and all that—but if I can get her to talk about those things, it really helps her be free with me, at least, and going to be freer with her mom and dad too. He doesn’t show shame, because He’s not evil; He’s pure. “Emotions result from assessments made about the past, present, and future—and Christianity grounds its believers in a specific past, present, and future. David: Well, the theorists pretty much agree that there are six basic emotions. God the Father experiences anger. Then, there is joy; and there is surprise. I said, “You’re very angry.”  She said, “How astute!”—that was her response [Laughter]. She insists she doesn’t deserve forgiveness from God, her family, or herself. David: Well, one of the things that I’d want you to understand, if you are the wife, is that he is afraid. Treat him like you would a scared little boy. It is God's intent that we should learn to control our human nature, including our emotions. We understand that that has a sexual dimension to it—maleness and femaleness. As he was talking, I thought—I thought about myself / I thought about people I knew—and I thought: “That explains this,” “That explains that.”. There is not an emotion of which any one can be conscious that is not here represented as in a mirror. Everything we think and everything we feel has a purpose connected to it. David: One of the things they are trying to teach children today is: “Put your emotions in words: ‘If you’re angry, don’t hit your brother. You remind her that God forgives and that she is redeemed by the blood of the lamb. Our host is the President of FamilyLife®, Dennis Rainey, and I’m Bob Lepine. The God of the Bible has a lot of feelings too, and he is very transparent with his emotions. "Why Did God Give Us Emotions?" Dennis: Okay; I’m going to give both of you an assignment. Bob: And this would be the husband who, when he says to his wife, “What’s wrong?”—, Bob: —she says: “I don’t know. You reflect on the last 18 years and how amazing each moment with him was. Now, I imagine you have a busy summer in front of you and your family. Why did God make us this way? Dennis: I guaranteed you—I told you I wanted to honor you for that. God the Spirit grieves. You can find out more about her at or by visiting her amazon profile here:, Help us increase mental health awareness in the Christian community by donating through our paypal link here:, joining our mailing list by clicking below, or join our provider list here: Provider listing, Disclaimer: the information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this article are for informational purposes only. God created us in His image, including His emotional image. Dennis: I think it is, and they’re going to find out that your E.Q. I want to thank our engineer today, Keith Lynch, along with our entire broadcast production team. Dennis: So, on a 1-to-10 point scale, I want you both to tell me where your E.Q. David: —it gave us a whole new dimension to understand each other. WHY DID GOD GIVE US EMOTIONS is an excellent resource for pastors, counselors, and those that struggle with emotional issues. I was told that: “Man; now, you’re now married to the ministry.”  And that was a direct quote from what we were taught. She sat down, folded her arms, and slunk into the couch. However, her passion is to write books that educate, uplift, and help provide parents with a tool to talk about difficult subjects. Every emotion is a signal that prompts a response. God is an emotional being. Bob: Dr. Stoop, explain what emotional intelligence is. David: Several places in the book, we have a chart that shows the feelings that go with the basic emotions; but I add a couple. I do think men are a whole lot more insecure and fearful than we understand. Your best friend, who has been a Christian all her life is now crying on your shoulder telling you she's going to hell. David: Oh, [Paul] Ekman from the University of San Francisco talks about emotions revealed. Then, they are aware of what you are feeling / others are feeling. A lot of people are upset with God because He is so angry in the Old Testament. Well, we’ve got a couple with us today that are going to apply emotional intelligence to the marriage relationship. reply report. Your baby is going away to college next week, you're happy he is all grown up now but you soon realize that you won't see him every day anymore. If you feel emotionally troubled and would love to undergo a spiritual facelift, why not buy a copy of Why Did God Give Us Emotions? I think God is committed to pleasure. In Scripture, God is said to enjoy, love, laugh, take delight, and rejoice, as well as be angry, happy, jealous, and glad. It’s by Drs. However, her passion is to write books that educate, uplift, and help provide parents with a tool to talk about difficult subjects. Together they are making a difference in the world. Jan: Yes; tell them—tell them who told you who you’re married to. In his new book "Why Did God Give Us Emotions?" We will see you back tomorrow for another edition of FamilyLife Today. Some of those sins are so bad that she can't help but feel ashamed of herself & guilty for the way it might affect her family. Dennis: Exactly. You instantly feel sad and that sadness causes you to reflect. [Laughter]  If you had a child—who was biting, or hitting, or throwing things—and let’s say they are three or four years of age, what would a conversation be with a little child who is older than a toddler? We talk about how God created man and woman in His image. I think God is a party that’s happening. You know, Goleman—in Goleman’s book—he talked about family relationships, and nobody really picked—well, I think there are some groups that talked about parenting; but nobody has really picked up on the family stuff, because it was almost taken over completely by the business world. has a good self-assessment / they’re aware of what they’re feeling. Godly emotions are developed by studying God's purpose for living. Dennis: Yes; the “Great.”  [Laughter]  So, what was the essence of that, besides being your rookie decade? This website and other related websites are owned and operated by FLTI, dba FamilyLife®, an Arkansas nonprofit corporation. God shows—He doesn’t show fear because He is God / He’s omnipotent. I said to the husband—I said, “What are you feeling when you watch your wife weep like that?”  He said, “Well, I think…”—I said, “Don’t tell me what you think / tell me what you feel.”  And there was silence—he couldn’t do it. You remind her that God forgives and that she is redeemed by the blood of the lamb. Do you think wives, generally, have a higher E.Q. On the other hand, when we feel negative emotions, all we do is wish there was a world without them. I believe.”. God the Son weeps. David: I was in ministry. Dennis: It doesn’t have anything to do with I.Q., though; correct? [Laughter]. Jan: [Laughter] Well, I’m going—really, though, copy something that Dave tells them; because it works for me too. God gave us these amazing little organs. A lot of people are upset with God because He is so angry in the Old Testament. Bob: That’s what I want to know. David: Well, they manage it. You remind her that Jesus died for her and that He loves her even after all the sins she committed. Dennis: That’s an amazing accomplishment. —better than anything else: training, leadership skills, whatever. Did Jesus have the total absence of fear? The imme-diacy and spontaneity of our emotions are among the ways in which emotions ensure our survival. than husbands do with their friends—their girlfriends—but when it comes to the marriage relationship, I think the wife is—out of her fear of the response she’s going to get from her husband—is probably just as inadequately prepared as the man is, emotionally. You can order, online, at; or you can call to order at 1-800-358-6329. 54. graceinus posted 8 years ago in reply to this. So, I’m quiet. I won’t tell you which one it was that had a problem showing their anger through biting, but their last name was Rainey. So you pray more. Many of us wouldn't even want to imagine a life without positive emotions. She figures out a way to fix things and feels free from guilt, shame, and condemnation. You may have—were you at this conference with me? Three out of those six emotions are expressed by God, and we even have trouble allowing ourselves to express our emotions to God. But we just kind of muddled through. Dennis: Well, you guys have three sons, six grandchildren—, Dennis: —and you have been married—count them: 59 years. I.Q. We have a lot of plans for our summer, here at FamilyLife. Every Christian is given divine discernment to distinguish one from the other. Jan: And some people aren’t willing—because they feel like it’s not proper to say, “I’m angry,”—and they might be feeling these other feeling words; but they’re categorized as anger. David: She didn’t want to be there. “I’m panicky,” “I’m apprehensive,” “I’m nervous,” “I’m timid,” “I’m anxious.”, You’re saying there are words that you can kind of put your finger on and say, “Well, maybe, I’m feeling a little hopeless right now,”—. They can be icky, complicated and painful at times. I hope you’ll remember that your emotions are a gift from God, not meant to control you but to prepare you. Your anger and disgust at that moment prompted an action that changed their lives. A lot of women we talk to have tried to share their emotions, and they get shut down—they figure, “I’m not going to do that again.”  Or it sets off more anger in that relationship because they do share. Stay with us. Jan: Or she holds back because she is not sure. One of the things we suggest is that people make a copy of that chart, and laminate it, and carry it around so they can talk about it. June 11, 2009 The way you start is watch your wife’s face. Sometimes the power behind our emotions travels from our spirit to our bodies. While those sins were trying to make her run from God, her emotions made her run back to Him. Anger is an emotion that is a part of our fallible human nature. I don’t know”; and he goes, “How can you not know what’s wrong?!”. Now imagine if she never felt that initial guilt and shame for what she did? They manage what they’re feeling. Finial Thoughts on Why Did God Give Us Feelings: So today if you feel sad, angry, ashamed, fearful, or anxious, I hope you'll take a minute to look for the purpose in it. [Laughter]. We’re talking about improving our mobile app, working on renovations to the Weekend to Remember® getaway; and we’re working on a new video series called FamilyLife’s The Art of Parenting. I’m glad we’re going to talk about what we’re talking about today. I want you to make a note of what you see; because when I look like this, I’m showing emotion.”  We’ve really gotten into how the facial features show the emotion. was—1 being pretty low and 10 being excellent. You call the police and he gets arrested; they take the woman to the hospital, and she survives. I don’t think we really understood what we were in for. [Laughter], David: You can keep it hidden. They can also be from ourselves (our own spirit) or from Satan. Dennis: We had six kids. Specifically, why are we over and over again in the Psalms commanded to be glad in the Lord (Psalm 32:11), rejoice in the Lord (Psalm 97:12), delight in the Lord (Psalm 37:4)? He wants us to glorify him with our feelings—in fact, we can’t honor and obey him without our feelings! You can give, online, at; you can give by calling 1-800-FL-TODAY; or if you’d like to mail a donation to us, you can do that as well. Author Reneau Peurifoy takes a detailed look at the many sources of our emotional responses and the role emotions play in our thoughts, actions, relationships with others and relationship with God. He wants us to experience the "joy" of salvation ( Psalms 51:12 Psalms 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation; and uphold me with your free spirit. That’s a pair of counselors who just confirmed that I was saying the truth—[Laughter]. When He created us, He did so with a plan and purpose in mind. Bob: I took notes like crazy because I thought, “That’s some good stuff.”  He was talking about how people, who are emotionally intelligent, do better in life than people who have knowledge—who have I.Q. Jan: —who is angry. You’re walking down the street one day when you notice a woman being abused by her drunk husband. But why? It was like Greek to him, and she doesn’t understand Greek. Then, if we didn’t manage those very well, her fear would turn into anger. How would this story have ended if you felt nothing and walked past them because it was none of your business? Help others Find an event Find global partners Find small group studies Help for pastors Help for stepfamilies Help for you Listen to FamilyLife Blended® Listen to FamilyLife Today® Ministry Advisor, About us Contact us Career Opportunities Make a donation Annual Report Leave a Legacy. [Laughter] I don’t think we had any idea what we were getting into because—well, we both came from a Christian home, and we just assumed that we would do well; didn’t we? Through the act of baptism, we are incorporated into the story of God healing a fractured world. Tell me what you’re angry about.’”  Then, they listen to them / if they honor whatever they say, and they are teaching them how to identify what they’re feeling. "Why Did God Give Us Emotions?" Being a Christian Does Not Make You Immune to Mental Health Issues including Depression, Anxiety, Anger. I have had this book for months. You see sadness in the Prophets a lot of times, where God was saddened that He made man. That they are not your identity but signals and promptings that you need to respond to. The reason that we have emotions is that God has emotions. If you want to develop emotional intelligence, Step One is: “You’ve got to know what emotions are. Now, tomorrow, we want to talk more about how we can cultivate emotional intelligence in our marriage—what we can do to get smarter in the area of our feelings toward one another. Bob: Well, and it is Step One. You’ve got to know how to be free with them and express them; right? Thanks for joining us. However, there is a cost to produce them for our website. You're busy serving lunch when you notice your child who can't yet swim walking towards the water. You call the police and he gets arrested; they take the woman to the hospital, and she survives. Hope for tomorrow. SwordofManticorE posted 8 years ago. stays the same, pretty much through lifetime; but emotional intelligence can grow. We’re working on some upgrades to our website. Her guilt and shame in this situation brought everything back into perspective. In marriages today—they say, “We don’t know how to reach across the aisle to each other,” emotionally, in a meaningful way and in a safe way, as you mentioned earlier. Our mailing address is FamilyLife Today, PO Box 7111, Little Rock, AR; and our zip code is 72223. Would you have reflected and reminisced your years together with a sense of gratitude for the blessing that he is? Fear can make us tremble and our hearts race, even break into a sweat. Imagine this: You’re walking down the street one day when you notice a woman being abused by her drunk husband. I hope you can be back as well. What we’ve realized, as we head into the summer months, is that for us to stay on track with these projects and others, we’re going to need to ask our listeners to help us. She insists she doesn’t deserve forgiveness from God, her family, or herself. Can you give us just a working definition? The training for the ministry role that I was in was a parachurch youth ministry. We understand there is also the spiritual dimension that God gave man to reflect. This book is more of an analysis of our emotions. Dennis: Well, you’ve written a book that Bob was talking about here called SMART Love: How Improving Your Emotional Intelligence Will Transform Your Marriage. Jan: “Oh! Guilt can make us sick at our stomach. and nothing to do with personality. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . Some people may ask, Why Did God Give Us Emotions anyway? In fact, we need to raise $1.1 million during the month of May in order to keep everything on track over the course of the summer. Bob: We have copies of the book in our FamilyLife Today Resource Center. In his book, Why Did God Give us Emotions?, Reneau Peurifoy stresses the importance of recognizing how the individual aspects of emotions interconnect. The author looks at them from every angle, and discusses how they effect our lives. And this book, SMART Love, would really be a great book to take on a planning weekend, on a getaway, a date night—and just take a chapter at a time. You pray that you brought your son up the right way so he won't depart from God when you’re not around to correct him. We are not saying we are making God in our image. Your kids are depending to provide not only good food but a good example and you're not about to disappoint them.

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