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aoe2 japanese towers,, Samurai have an attack bonus of +5 (+6 for Elite) against, Infantry now attack 33% faster starting in the. the four of which have attack bonuses vs infantry. Starting with an extra 150 food is pretty huge, giving you options to either produce more villagers or advance through the ages faster. Japanese lack siege ram, siege onager and paladin. I've played around 10 games so far, 1v1, against a hard AI (random civ). The Yasama Technology, as well as Kataparuto, can also give Japanese an advantage in "King of the Hill" and "Defend the Wonder" game modes. Despite the Samurai being a good counter for most of the unique units, there are several unique units that can overturn them - Unique cavalry archers (like the Mongol Mangudai, the Cuman Kipchak, and the Berber Camel archer) the Saracen Mameluke and the Malian Gbeto may hit-and-run them, Cataphracts have attack bonus vs infantry while at the same time having trample damage after Logistics, some archer unique units if properly micromanaged can mow down the samurais especially Mayan plumed Archers and Incan Slingers. Continent Arbalests provide range support for melee units. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Civilizations which are very popular and will give you an advantage over other opponents, especially in ranked games. However, just because Japanese have a good flush doesn't mean they need to use it. November marks the first anniversary of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, and we’re celebrating its birthday with one of the biggest updates yet!Along with a long list of brand-new features and fixes to expand the tools in your arsenal, we’re throwing a party to celebrate the first of MANY years to come for Age of Empires II: DE! Pre-DE jingle Towers in general on aoe2 HD are overpowered with the arrowslits tech. The introduction of the Arrowslits technology further improves the power of Japanese towers, allowing fully upgraded towers to decimate all but the most heavily armored enemies. The Japanese are an infantry civilization and command the strongest infantry of all civilizations with all technologies and upgrades available plus a speed boost for their attacks which results in a very high damage output. ... the Samurai is a pretty freaking cool unit. Goths infanty not only produce 140% faster, their infantry also costs a massive 35% less compared to other civilisations. TheViper. 2. There seems to be many contradictive info on the net. Defensively at Imperial Age they have a huge edge over civilizations with no Bombard Cannons and no further improvements to their Trebuchets (as most civilizations), as their Unique technology Kataparuto enables Trebuchets to Pack and unpack faster, enabling for them to have the first hit in trebuchet encounters. They also lack the Bloodlines upgrade (Until The Forgotten), putting them at a disadvantage in cavalry battles. This means you have a wood saving before the Feudal Age of 200 wood. B Tier – Balanced. Also, all players start with a Barracks, making it easier to start creating an infantry army. That being said, the Yasama allows the Japanese to do a tower rush strategy, as the towers firing extra arrows combined with Arbalesters or Hand Cannoneers garrisoned in the towers with Trebuchets or Capped Rams can add a lot of pressure in the enemy player. Welcome to Weekly Builds! Update. As all civilizations (except Goths) now have Supplies as the new technology for infantry, their Feudal Age Infantry Rush is more deadly. Their unique unit ignores armor, allowing them to quickly melt heavy infantry that would otherwise be a huge problem to take down. Their defensive structures and economy are below average, however. 3. Even in terms of gunpowder units, both the Japanese and the Vietnamese received the component the other party really need, apart from the fact the former received adequate info for their infantry rushes, plus Imperial Skirmishers and fire support from Bombard Cannons to screen Samurai and other infantry from enemy archers while the latter receive vigilant, well-scouting Galleys, plus combined-arm support from the former's superb navy, infantry with Samurais as the core, Hand Cannoneers and Trebuchets with the Kataparuto upgrade. The Samurai were armed with a Katana, an extra-sharp, thin bladed longsword, a Wakizashi, a shorter version of the Katana, and sometimes a Tantō. A fishing boom Fast Imperial often benefits the Japanese in team games where they have time to build up. 30. Samurais are also a great counter against the Bulgarian Konnik, as it deal bonus damage against both the mounted and dismounted version of the unit. Mehvix's Age of Empires 2 Counter List 2.0: 3. aoe2 counter list age of empires 2 counters: 4. Each building/unit is definitely highly situational. This is especially noticeable in closed maps like Black forest as those opponents manage to wall up and survive until Imperial Age when they get their gunpowder. The Watch Tower is the first type of tower capable of attacking to become available and provides early protection to the player's village against raiding parties an… Its pretty straight forward, and i still use it. This is reflected by Kataparuto ("catapult" written in katakana to represent the European origin) that allows Trebuchets to pack, unpack, and fire faster. The fact that their Spearmen have a faster attack and can kill cavalry units even faster than normal somewhat makes up for this but they still lack the speed of the Camel so are less effective when chasing fleeing cavalry. Infantry attacks 33% faster starting in the Feudal Age. My food/wood/gold collected is always higher than theirs at the end of a game, and my largest army is always twice the size of theirs at the end of the game (150 compares to … 1 Jun, 2020 calendar_today; Daut's Persian Douche. Men at arms into Towers: Requires more multitasking and micro then other build orders, not recommended for new player. As their infantry attacks at a faster rate both barracks units are astonishingly good counters to both trash units and cavalry even civilizations with good cavalry and trash units may have a hard time against Japanese like the Magyars for example. A part from hand canoneers and janissaries in bombard tower, what is the unit or unit type that deals the most damage when inside castles or regular towers? Every civilization except the Huns starts in the same way– build an early house to avoid population cap, farm sheep and go for lumber. The Japanese civilization is based on Feudal Japan which was dominated by the powerful regional families (daimyō) and the military rule of warlords (shōgun) from 1185 to 1868. Arrowslits is a technology in that can be researched at the University in the Castle Age. The wood saved from a Mill, Mining Camp and Lumber Camp totals to enough for an effectively free Dock. I have no problem keeping up with the AI in score, villager production, resource collection or military production. Mehvix's Age of Empires 2 Counter List 2.0: 3. aoe2 counter list age of empires 2 counters: 4. To reflect this, the Japanese build Mills, Lumber Camps, and Mining Camps at a cheaper cost. This 20 population AOE2 Japanese Man at arms rush in to archers takes advantage of the Japanese civ bonuses of 33% faster attack speed of infantry units as well as their eco buildings costing 50% less wood. aoe2-japanese-castle. Japanese It gives towers +6 attack and cost 150 wood and 150 food, being available to all civs. Regarding the naval warfare they are in advantage against civilizations that have poor early game navy as their galleys have better Line of sight and can raid effectively enemy fishing ships, Even the navy of civilizations like Malays, Koreans and Vikings may have trouble against an early Japanese galley raid as their counters to that only comes until Castle Age for most of these civilizations, at the same time their fishing ships have better Hp and armor so early naval raiding civilizations such as Vikings have a harder time against Japanese. When playing a random map game against the computer, the player may encounter any of the following Japanese AI characters: The East Asian architecture set the Japanese share with the. Total: 125-200 damage However, the arrowslits upgrade in the university adds +1/+2/+3 damage to watch/guard/keep, meaning that 5 keeps would have the same DPS as a castle ungarrisoned, and slightly more than a castle when garrisoned. They lack the Heavy Demolition Ship, but this does not need be a negative since the resources would be better spent on Galleons or Fishing Ships. 'Destroying pavilions' bonus will give you 2k Gold instead of 2 building villagers Unique Unit for Goth --> 'Elite Rattan Archer' (175 F/W/S/G [MAX 350][5 sec timer]). Resources: Samurai AoE2 Wiki. Civilizations that rely on infantry units will also be at a disadvantage against the Japanese due to the faster attack speed of Japanese infantry. The Japanese civilization icon is based on. However they are arguably in tie against Jaguar Warriors, Teutonic Knights and Lithuanian Leitis due to various reasons, and have several disadvantages against some ranged unique units and the Cataphract (see in disadvantages). Age of Empires Series Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Also, which unit deals the … Surprise Siege Tower in Arena. Asia Welcome to Weekly Builds! They are an infantry-based civilization, with their infantry possessing the fastest attack speed in the game. Gold Shaft Mining added to the technology tree. Combined with Yasama for the Japanese or the extra range for the Koreans (Britons Yeomen +2 tower damage in some extent), you can get a huge bonus to your tower who can easily destroy even the best anti archer units. Compilation of AOE2 Build Order's, Civlization Guides, Unit Counter List, Unit recommendations.  The Age of Kings The Japanese have scenarios devoted to their civilization: Kyoto from the Battles of the Conquerors campaign and Kurikara from Battles of the Forgotten. Their power is in spamming samurai or champions and fast trebs with hand cannoneer back up. To reflect their high rank and prestige of the Japanese warrior class and their association with the ninja, a covert agent, Japanese infantry attack faster. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Civilizations which are very popular and will give you an advantage over other opponents, especially in ranked games. This is represented by the technology, Yasama, which increases the number of arrows shot by towers. They are the descendants of the Yamato civilization, which inhabited the same island. The introduction of the Arrowslits technology further improves the power of Japanese towers, allowing fully upgraded towers to decimate all but the most heavily armored enemies. aoe2 counter list age of empires 2 counters: 2. This is a big advantage in the late game when most civilizations rely heavily on their unique units. I've played around 10 games so far, 1v1, against a hard AI (random civ). Also, their Champions will be cheaper in the later stages of the game. Mills, Lumber Camps, and Mining Campsare 50% cheaper. ... Korean- Tower/ Naval Team Bonus- Seige Onager +1 Range Economy Bonus- Stone 20% faster ... Japanese- Champions (better Samurai), Arbalest, Trebuchets Age of Empires II, the classic real-time strategy (RTS) game, has been remade and released in a Definitive Edition for its 20th anniversary. Whenever possible, a Japanese player must use Fishing Ships to boost his economy. In-game, Japanese villagers and military units speak modern Japanese while Monks and King speak archaicized modern Japanese. Samurai occupy a unique niche in AOE2. On arabia if you follow this guide well, you can hit the enemy economy with 4-6 men-at-arms (m@a) at around 11.45 - 12.45, with the option of getting scale mail armor while maintaining almost continuous villager production. Unique units Civilizations with good archers and cavalry archers may be problematic for the Japanese as they can also mow down Japanese infantry units aside from the Samurais. Turtling strategies usually require the use of several Guard Towers among the use of walls and Castles in order to create a strong fortification. If you luck up, your enemy's main might have several important resources within the range of just 2 overlapping towers (often times, more might be needed). Arguably the best Champions in the game (with the possible exception of Aztecs, or Vikings if they're being used for cannon-fodder, or the Slavs), powerful Samurai, powered-up Trebuchets, and a strong navy allows them to hold their own even into the Imperial Age. Towers can garrison 5(10 if teutons) units each, shooting up to 5 arrows per volley. Japanese are a rare mix: An offensive civilization with a strong early economy. Their new ability to research Gold Shaft Mining slightly improves their economy as well. This is a big advantage in the late game when most civilizations rely heavily on their unique units. Age of Empires Series Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The introduction of the Arson technology allows Japanese infantry to inflict even more damage to buildings, and combined with their natural bonus against buildings and the Japanese increase in attack speed, turns their Champions into human siege weapons. Team bonus: Galleys have +50% Line o… Unit Line: Counter(s) 5. Japan is an island nation sea-reliant for most of its history, and as a result, the Japanese have extensive knowledge in maritime economy and warfare. Men at arms into Towers: Requires more multitasking and micro then other build orders, not recommended for new player. Arena. Towers deal strong damage to nearby enemies while also having fair armor and the ability to garrison a few foot troops. The Tower Rush (or Trush) is a time-tested Age of Empires II strategy that is as annoying as it is effective. 23 Pop Jap m@a Rush: This strategy is usable on any open or semi-open land map, but works best on arabia. Japan also possesses a number of volcanoes which create fertile lands for cultivation and ores for mining. Introduced in Though having an advantage against the Lithuanian Leitis, Leitis can outperform Samurais if the player picks up all four Relics. The Japanese are an infantry civilization and command the strongest infantry of all civilizations with all technologies and upgrades available plus a speed boost for their attacks which results in a very high damage output. Towers in general on aoe2 HD are overpowered with the arrowslits tech. They also lack bombard towers which makes them weak when defending, and lack siege onager and ram and bombard cannon. The cost of Yasama has been slightly reduced, allowing the Japanese to effectively forward towers earlier. How do Japanese towers compare to other good towers like that of the Koreans, Teutons, Chinese, and Byzantines? Hera +2. The Samurai being an infantry that haves bonus against unique units can negate the use of them to civilizations that have melee attack or slow moving unique units, and ranged unique units with low accuracy like, Persian War Elephant (in equal resources), Magyar Huszar, Goth Huskarl, Hunnic Tarkans, Celtic Woad Raiders, Slav Boyar, Portuguese Organ Gun, Ethiopian Shotel Warrior, Genitours, Condottiero, etc. Unique Unit: Leitis With Hill Fortsbuffing Town Center ranges candidly, defending your base becomes much easier. East Asian 1 Jun, 2020 calendar_today; Daut's Persian Douche. However, the benefit of this advantage is minimal, as the Japanese still lack Architecture, Heated Shot and Bombard Towers. The introduction of the Arrowslits technology further improves the power of Japanese towers, allowing fully upgraded towers to decimate all but the most heavily armored enemies.  Yasama Kataparuto Their infantry attack faster than those of other civilizations giving their infantry an edge in large battles. I have no problem keeping up with the AI in score, villager production, resource collection or military production. Also, during Sengoku Jidai (or the Warring States period), the Japanese came into contact with the Portuguese and the Dutch, with whom the Japanese traded goods for firearms and modern siege technology which brought an end to Sengoku Jidai with the Siege of Osaka. Buildings (in general) 29. Barracks: ... Bombard Tower + anything that can range it. Learning the proper build orders and their execution is crucial if you want to win in most RTS games, and this applies to Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition as well. Arena. DE jingle, The Japanese' civilization music theme in the Definitive Edition. 15 Focus With this dock, they are able to make powered-up Fishing Ships, even while advancing to the Feudal Age. They also have a strong Castle Age and even Imperial Age. These Civilizations are strong and are very suitable for beginners because AoE2 DE can be hard for new players at the very beginning. 142 4 1. x 3. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Japanese Trebuchets are also among the best in the game, firing significantly faster, and packing and unpacking in an extremely short period of time. The new Japanese Castle Age tech Yasama allows their towers to fire extra arrows, giving them an offensive edge. The Japanese also have superb archers (including Cavalry Archers) which they can also fully upgrade. They lack a lot of late-game economic technologies: Gold Shaft Mining (which was added for them in The Forgotten), Stone Shaft Mining, Guilds and Crop Rotation. Redstone Device Map. From the Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, Tatar allies also allow fully-teched Japanese cavalry archers to have extra line of sight, while free Elite Kipchaks from Cuman allies via Cuman Mercenaries bring extra measures to improve firepower and mobility of the infantry-oriented Japanese armed forces, albeit in limited numbers. In water maps with dense banks of fish they get an advantage as their fishing ships are better. The Japanese are an East Asian civilization in Age of Empires II. They …  Samurai Update. Fire Line: 31. Spirit of the Law Samurai vs Champion. This civ is played only with military (No towers allowed except for Accursed Towers from Main and 2nd Store) Goths Start with 6k F/W/S. Check out the requirements below, jump … •Kataparuto (Imperial UT: Trebuchets fire 33% faster and pack/unpack 4× faster.) The Japanese now also have access to Bloodlines, improving their cavalry and giving them access to fully upgraded knights in the Castle Age as well full Heavy Cavalry Archer upgrades. Unique technologies Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. As Fish Traps can now be reseeded and queued automatically, considering the work rate of their Fishing Ships, they can now prefer them over farms in almost all games where they can find a body of water, since now they would not need to manually replace them. Spearmen Line + archers and infantry. The Japanese also have superb archers (including Cavalry Archers) which they can also fully upgrade. A part from hand canoneers and janissaries in bombard tower, what is the unit or unit type that deals the most damage when inside castles or regular towers? Resonance22 and Nilpferd cast an expert Age of Empires 2 tournament game from the King of the Hippo 4 tournament. VIEW. Being highly reliant on infantry in land maps, civilizations with gunpowder and particularly civilizations with Hand Cannoneers can be very unpleasant to Japanese, these includes Spanish, Portuguese and Turks. Hera +2. Towers are an essential part of any kind of fortification. piston door. War Elephants have considerably better stats and can slaughter Samurai, but will take considerable damage in the process. Being a civilization with good infantry and good early and mid game, able to perform a good infantry rush they can defeat civilizations that fare otherwise in open maps like Arabia, Civilizations like Portuguese, Turks and Khmer will struggle against an early Japanese raid in the Feudal Age. In contrast to their infantry they have fairly weak cavalry, missing the Paladin and Hussar upgrades and the final armor upgrade. Samurai now have 1 pierce armor, a Rate of Fire of 1.9, and move at a speed of 1. 1. Spearmen Line + archers and infantry. Join Planet Minecraft! Trebuchets missiles also now deal damage while packing or getting destroyed, so it resolves one of the main micromanagement problems Japanese Trebuchets with Kataparuto had in previous versions of the game. If you can force them to relocate from their initial lumber/mining camps, you can sometimes displace 10-15 lumberjacks/gold miners for the price of two towers or so. They also have an effective navy, with fishing ships gaining extra hit points and their Galleons gaining more line of sight. Samurai keep away melee-based Unique Units, with the exception of the Cataphract. level 2 Fishing Shipshave double HP, +2 pierce armor, and work 5%/10%/15%/20% faster in the Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age. Spirit of the Law Japanese Civ Overview. Also the quality of their infantry enables them to counter the infantry of other prominent infantry civilizations like the Goths, who relies most in quantity, the Celts who relies more on movement speed, and the Vikings who relies more in hp and tankiness. Fishing Ships can even be used as cannon-fodder if the opponent forgets to aim his weapons himself, as they cost no gold and are reasonably well-armored, and have nothing to do after they finish fishing. Even though this isn't the highest skill game you've ever seen, it is certainly interesting for all the right reasons! Basic Units: 6. Label. Their infantry attack faster than those of other civilizations giving their infantry an edge in large battles. Then the Japanese must train primarily Champions, Halberdiers, Samurai and Arbalests depending on the situation. It gives towers +6 attack and cost 150 wood and 150 food, being available to all civs. We break down the builds that top AoE2 pros are using. Scouts: Another very common build order, usually you go for 3-5 scouts, but you can add more if needed. Dock: Galley Line + raged units. although aoe2 HD is a laggy piece of **** and you can hardly micro with cav archers against anybody with more than 100 ping, aren't japanese cav archers theoretically a good choice in aoe2 HD + DLC? Towers are also notable for costing stone and they compete for this resource with additional Town Centers and Castles. Guard Towers are very useful and valuable for defending the player's settlement against enemy raiding parties. This 20 population AOE2 Japanese Man at arms rush in to archers takes advantage of the Japanese civ bonuses of 33% faster attack speed of infantry units as well as their eco buildings costing 50% less wood. With patch 4.8, Yasama now gives Towers 2 additional arrows. I just cannot believe they thought giving guard towers/keeps an additional +4/+6 attack was a good idea. The Japanese unique unit is the Samurai, a formidable infantry unit that has a fast attack and attack bonus versus other unique units. We break down the builds that top AoE2 pros are using. Ok so here is the easiest noob friendly fast castle build, It's a 27+2 and once you get on top of tc idle time you should be able to click up 15:50-16:00, accounting for a reasonable (10-15 sec) of town center idle time. Infantry Try them out in your own games! The Samurai were the elite warrior class in Japanese society and required dozens of years of training. Samurais also counters the semi-unique Eagle Warriors. In the map " Water Nomad" from the "Rise of the Rajas" expansion, they technically start ahead over their rivals as in this map players start with 7 villagers and 6 fishing ships (which in Japanese case they work faster and are bulkier). Alternatively, given the very strong Japanese towers with the Yasama UT, and this fast creation speed, should you only make a handful of castles and save the rest of your stone for towers in Imperial age? My food/wood/gold collected is always higher than theirs at the end of a game, and my largest army is always twice the size of theirs at the end of the game (150 compares to their 75-ish). These include, Ethiopians, Mongols, Britons, Mayans, Vietnamese, Tatars, Cumans, and Chinese, for example. ... Korean- Tower/ Naval Team Bonus- Seige Onager +1 Range Economy Bonus- Stone 20% faster ... Japanese- Champions (better Samurai), Arbalest, Trebuchets Aside of the previous analysis in the drawbacks Samurais have, Japanese regular barracks infantry is still vulnerable to contingents of Aztec Jaguar Warriors, Mayan Plumed Archers, Incan Slingers and Byzantine Cataphracts. 28. Koreans These soldiers served the lord and fought for them based on the strict Bushido honor code. These Civilizations are strong and are very suitable for beginners because AoE2 DE can be hard for new players at the very beginning. Japanese should almost always take over the sea so as to reap the full benefits of their Fishing Ships. Civilization information Alternatively, a Berber ally also brings in a pair of useful gifts: Genitours (with Bloodlines upgrade and a complete set of archer-related improvements) for warding off enemy archers and Pikemen, and Kasbah upgrade for enhancing Japanese Castles, making them to produce Samurais and Trebuchets (with Kataparuto upgrade) in a shorter period. Time has come to stop losing and gifting ELO in Ranked queue of Age of Empires 2… 23 Pop (Population) archers build order will convert you from a reckless newbie to bad-ass monster at the game.Pros & Cons of 23 Pop ArchersJust like any other build order, pros and cons are always there but the good news is that this build order is beginner friendly Beginner … In Fortress map, where players start with pre-deployed walls and towers, their Yasama technology gives them an edge defensively. This is in addition to not having the Camel Rider. Their siege weapons are also average since they lack the Siege Onager and Siege Ram. Champions are general force units, cheap and powerful. This means you have a wood saving before the Feudal Age of 200 wood. Kataparuto allows Trebuchets to pack/unpack four times faster - 2.75 s instead of 11 s - and make them fire 33% faster. 2. This gives their economy a large boost to produce extra troops in a flush. Also, as a Civilization that has several naval bonuses, including their team bonus, the Japanese makes great synergy with other naval civilizations, such as the Byzantines, Vikings, Saracens, Berbers, Italians, Portuguese,Malay and Sicilians. Guard Towers also work better if placed within the range of … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Another go on the Ancient Tower Defense custom map of AoE2. Defensively they have an advantage against civilizations with mediocre siege workshop or proper anti-building units thanks to the Yasama Technology (without considering the Trebuchets which every civilization have access to). To represent this, their Fishing Ships have double hit points and work more efficiently when advancing through the Ages, and the Japanese team's Galley line have a longer Line of Sight. The Japanese also have full archer technologies and all monk technologies, except Heresy. Surprise Siege Tower in Arena. Architecture mmmtmups • 06/26/2012. They also appear as the enemy in the Noryang Point scenario from Battles of the Conquerors. Also, which unit deals the most damage against rams and siege rams? Their Trebuchets do work excellently in conjunction with Castles when defending. level 2 Only their cavalry is weak and their siege weapons are underwhelming as well but thei… They're not exactly a strong civ on land. Ill just copy and past a fast castle build I wrote from another thread. Fun fact: A fully upgraded Japanese Halberdier slay a fully upgraded Byzantine Paladin. Also, castles will notoriously "overkill" enemy units; towers could potentially get more actual DPS out of their attack pool. B Tier – Balanced. The Japanese unique unit is the Samurai, a formidable infantry unit that has a fast attack and attack bonus versus other unique units. These functions are an essential part of any kind of fortification. Scouts: Another very common build order, usually you go for 3-5 scouts, but you can add more if needed. As an infantry civilization, the Japanese benefits greatly from team bonuses that improve infantry, like the Goths (more production speed for the Barracks) and the Italians (enables them to create the Condottiero at the Barracks). TheViper. Their navy is excellent, only lacking the Heavy Demolition Ship, but with longer-sighted Galleons and all other improvements at their disposal. AoAK Japanese/Koreans towers and arrowslits Arrowslits is a technology in that can be researched at the University in the Castle Age. Compilation of AOE2 Build Order's, Civlization Guides, Unit Counter List, Unit recommendations. AoE2 = 4D Chess as Resonance22 always says. Throughout its medieval history, Japan was in constant conflicts of clan lords who constructed a large number of fortifications; each had many arrowslits (or yasama) to repel attackers. With patch 4.8, Treadmill Crane was added to the technology tree. The Florence Tower(My first project) All the same people who really analyze this stuff to death like SoTL ironically aren't even the very best players though. Although their unique unit is good, it is still not good against several unique units, like Longbowmen, Cataphracts, and Mangudai. Their Monks are very good as well, only lacking Heresy. Defensively, Japanese are more or less average.

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