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panther ii wot

Both: 1235.25 Ja, er verfügt über eine solide Panzerungsdicke, doch sie ist unzureichend angewinkelt, um Schüsse zuverlässig abprallen zu lassen. Unfortunately, this vehicle still has the majority of its predecessor's flaws, like the modules that are susceptible to damage or the low mobility. Both and BiA: 1262.25 Reduziert den Streuungsmalus bei Wannen- und Turmdrehung, sowie während der Fahrt um 20 %. Thus, plans to replace the original Panther design with the Panther II were already underway before the first Panther had even seen combat. © 2011–2021 Both: 1370.25 The Panther II is a good step up from the below avg Panther! Both and Max Crew %: 2239.65 The Panther II tank was a German tank design proposal, based on the Panther tank during the Second World War. Two prototypes with the existing Panther I turrets were ordered in 1944. By 1945 only one of them had been built by the MAN company. Previously it heavily lacked DPM, but now the alpha has been increased from 240/240/295 to 280/280/370. Crew skills. 100% Crew: 1086.75 The Panther II is a direct descendant of the Pz.Kpfw. Macht beschädigte/ zerstörte Module und verletzte Besatzungsmitglieder bei gegnerischen Fahrzeugen sichtbar, wenn man sie für einige Sekunden anvisiert. Das Rammen eurer Gegner stellt bei einer Bergabfahrt eine durchaus nützliche Möglichkeit dar. Reduziert den Streuungsmalus eines drehenden Turms. IV Pz.Kpfw. VIII Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71. Both and BiA: 2281.5 100% Crew: 3.84 s Rammer: 2188.35 Verringert die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Brandes. VI. Meldet die Position von Gegnern für zwei weitere Sekunden nachdem das eigene Fahrzeug zerstört wurde. Armor profile; Armor performance; Tactics; Historical Reference; Configuration. VIII Wraith Panzer 58. Der Panther II führt zum E 50. Das Rammen eurer Gegner stellt bei einer Bergabfahrt eine durchaus nützliche Möglichkeit dar. Der Panzer III stellte die Hauptmacht der gepanzerten Verbände. VIII. Work on the Panther II had already started before the Panther even started production. Using Shell Type 3 (175 Damage): Verringert den Rammschaden am eigenen Fahrzeug und erhört den verursachten Rammschaden an Gegnern. 100% Crew When affected by 100% Relaying: 341 m 100% Crew Using Shell Type 2 (135 Damage): Standard Gun The only strong areas are the angled turret edges and mantlet area. 50% Crew: 4.96 s X E 50 Ausf. V Panther, a M26 Pershing will definitely beat you in a close-quarters fight. With both and GLD: 1.918 s However, it can be a very successful flanker, so long as you pick and choose your targets. Both and Max Crew %: 3.17 s. Standard Gun The early impetus for upgrading the Panther came from the concern of Hitler and others that it lacked sufficient armor. The armor of the Panther was to be increased, while parts were to be standardized with the Tiger II. … Gewährt eine kleine Chance, dass der Granatentyp bei einem Wechsel bereits geladen wurde, ohne erneut nachladen zu müssen. The engine does not give a very large improvement to this heavy medium, so research this last. Panther II is a Medium tank found in Armor Blitz. 100% Crew: 1408.75 Use the good penetration of the Panther IIs top gun to your advantage by assassinating unwary heavily damaged opponents; heavies, mediums, whatever class they may be. 100% Crew: 1848.15 VI. With BiA: 0.328 m World of Tanks - Panzer miteinander vergleichen: Panther gegen Panther II. Which gives extra view range and armor and gives more improvement than the suspension. With wholly penetrating hits V Berge-Panther Alpha Pz.Kpfw. In a meeting on February 10, 1943, further design changes were proposed, including changes to the steering gears and final drives. VIII M48A2 Räumpanzer. Erhöht die Tarnung des Fahrzeugs deutlich. Both: 2099.25 Both and BiA: 1811.25 However the latter gun, while lacking the penetration of the L/100, offers better DPM and rate of fire. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. VIII. The official German designation was Panzerkampfwagen II (abbreviated PzKpfw II). With wholly penetrating hits Maximum possible: 1.839 s, With 50% Crew: 298.6 m This tank has an even thicker armor, a whole lot of health points, which puts it at a par with heavy tanks, and also a great 8.8cm KwK 43 L/71 cannon. The Panzer II is the common name used for a family of German tanks used in World War II. I am ok with panther and used to play the medium tanks so far. I for one fell out with the Panther II a couple of years ago. Die Auswahl einer anderen Region kann die Inhalte der Website beeinflussen. Vents: 1440.25 VIII Panther II; VIII Tiger II; Competes with. Vents: 2625 Waffenbrüder / Stählerne Schwesternschaft. However, it can be a very successful flanker, so long as you pick and choose your targets. 124.3 % Reloading. Er kann beträchtliche Geschwindigkeiten entwickeln, doch sie sind schwer zu erreichen. World of Tanks Panther II Weak Spots | Frontal View | Frontally the Panther II does not have great armor for its tier when it comes to effective armor values. The weapon was to remain the 75mm KwK 42 L/70. Geht mit dem Mauszeiger über die Bilder, um mehr Informationen über die Besatzungsfertigkeiten und -vorteile zu erfahren. VIII Indien-Panzer. This sort of play is very viable in tier 8 and 9 matches, but it is best you become acquainted with your Panther IIs capabilities before attempting such a feat, and is especially not advised if you have already taken severe damage. Rammer: 1206.9 Both: 2234.25 By 1945 only one of them had been built by the MAN company. Nominal DPM: 1351 120 mm[1] starke Frontpanzerung und eine 60-mm-Seitenpanzerung erhöht … Play style will determine which of these is the best for you. If possible, try only to expose your turret to the enemy. Discussions involving Hitler in January of 1943 called for further increases in armor, resulting in the tank initially referred to as the Panther 2 (it became the Panther II after April 1943). 100% Crew Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables,,, Tank articles using images from shared media repository, Excellent accuracy and penetration with the 8.8cm/L100 top gun, Very good at ramming lighter, less armored tanks, Clumsy due to size and slow traverse, can get easily flanked, Atrocious power to weight ratio will leave you struggling to get into position quickly, Large silhouette for a medium, very poor camouflage and difficult to hide, Insufficient armor will only ever bounce poorly aimed or lower tier shots. With 100% Crew: 323.3 m Das sind laut "Military Today" die fünf besten Panzer der Welt:. 42 L/70 gun, although the Tiger II's 8.8cm Kw.K. VI VK 36.01 (H) VI Citadel … VII Panther; Succeeded by. Erhöht die Funkreichweite aller verbündeten Fahrzeuge innerhalb der eigenen Funkreichweite. Der zunächst mit einer kurzen Kanone ausgestattete Panzer … 75% Crew: 4.33 s To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem. VIII Dread Dozer M48A2 Räumpanzer. The direction that the design was headed would not have been consistent with Germany's need for a mass-produced tank, which was the goal of the Reich Ministry of Armament and War Production. 50% Crew: 2030 Another meeting on February 17, 1943 focused on sharing and standardizing parts between the Tiger II tank and the Panther 2, such as the transmission, all-steel roadwheels, and running gear. While being more powerful and maneuverable than the Pz.Kpfw. VII. 100% Crew While the top speed is quite respectable, you'll find it hard getting there; the Panther II is just too heavy for its engine. When affected by 100% Relaying: 781 m IX E 50; Competes with. 100% Crew Modules. VIII Wraith Panzer 58. V Berge-Panther Sherman Firefly Sherman VC Firefly Škoda T 25 Škoda T 40 Strv 74 Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 T-34-85 T-34-85 Rudy T-34-85 Rudy T-34-85M Type 4 Chi-To Type 58 VK 30.01 (D) VK 30.02 (M) Heavy Tanks A43 BP prototype ARL 44 Churchill VII Heavy Tank No. With GLD: 2.005 s Die MAN konnte Ende des Kriegs 1945 nur einen fertigen. The Panther II and those that follow it can become extremely dangerous late-game tanks in the right hands. Vergleichen; Panzerliste; Über uns / Kontakt  Vergleiche: Panther gegen Panther II. VIII. World of Tanks - Panzer miteinander vergleichen: Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 gegen Panther II. Der Panzer IV (Kaliber: 7,5 cm, Panzerung: 10-30 mm, 40 km/h) war der einzige Panzer, der dem russischen T 34 annähernd gewachsen war. Both: 2896.25 Verringert Rammschaden und Flächenschaden durch Sprenggranaten. Nominal: 4 s Advantageous Damage Per Minute No plans were made to include the 8.8 cm L/71 as the turret diameter was too small. Juni 1941 im Osten. Erhöht die verdiente Besatzungserfahrung für alle Besatzungsmitglied außer dem Kommandanten. The third equipment choice is preferential; a Gun Laying Drive will reduce aim time when stopped and help snipe more quickly, Coated Optics increase view range by 10% constantly, and Binocular Telescopes will help spot even camouflaged tanks very well, but only when the tank is stationary. 75% Crew: 963.9 V Panther. So bleibt nur euer Turm sichtbar, was euch zu einem kleineren Ziel macht. This page has been accessed 64,210 times. A step-up in the world from the Pz.Kpfw. Although the vehicle had originally been designed as a stopgap while larger, more advanced tanks were developed, it nonetheless went on to play an important role in the early years of World War II, … Steigt mit zunehmender Reparatur-Fertigkeit. Both and BiA: 2146.5 Erhöht die Wendegeschwindigkeit des Fahrzeugs. Bevezetés. One such tank is the Panzer IV Schmalturm premium tank. Sketch of the Panther II along with its planned turret. Wir haben in diesem Praxistipp die 10 besten Panzer für Sie gesammelt. Vents: 2025 Erhöht die Beweglichkeit in mittlerem und weichem Terrain. Reduziert den Streuungsmalus während des Fahrens. With 100% Crew: 0.336 m Erste Pläne für dieses Fahrzeug wurden 1943 erstellt. V VK 65.01 (H) V VK 30.01 (H) … Dieser berühmt-berüchtigte Panzer wurde von Januar 1943 bis April 1945 in 5.796 Einheiten … Zeigt eine Glühbirne drei Sekunden nachdem ihr aufgeklärt wurdet. The Panther II did not progress beyond prototypes and did not enter production. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. 43 L/71 gun was discussed. 75% Crew: 2124.5 However, should you happen to be driving downhill, ramming your enemies is a viable option. Both and Max Crew %: 3078.25, Theoretical Damage Per Minute With 100% Signal Boost: 852 m One of the things I enjoy quite a lot about World of Tanks Blitz is how Wargaming allows us to drive prototype tanks that never saw actual combat. Both and BiA: 3.31 s NOTE: As of Patch 1.10.1, the Panther II has been buffed when using the top gun, the 8.8cm L/100. 124.3 % Aiming. Panzerkampwagen Panther II and Panther Ausf.F (Panzer Tracts, # 5-4) by Thomas Jentz. Like most German tanks, the lower glacis plate is a large weakness, one which smart opponents will exploit readily if given the chance. Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. VII. And in this situation, the armor and … The Panther II is like a Pz.Kpfw. Der Panther II schneidet am besten mit dem Geschütz 8,8 cm KwK L/100 ab. Advantageous Damage Per Minute Vents: 1246.05 Geht mit dem Mauszeiger über die Bilder, um mehr Informationen über die Zubehörteile zu erfahren. 100% Crew: 1583.75 Nominal DPM: 1772.55 The Panther II was only ever intended to have the 75mm KwK 42 L/70. First-shot DPM: 1907.55 Knowing this, it is best to take advantage of your long-range accuracy and stay just behind, or alongside, your team's heavies to avoid close-quarters combat. Der Panther II ist für seinen Motor einfach zu schwer. 50% Crew: 976.05 Panther II is a rank IV German medium tank with a battle rating of 7.0 (AB) and 6.7 (RB/SB). This page was last modified on 22 October 2020, at 14:28. X E 50 Ausf. Nutzt euer präzises Geschütz, um sie auszuschalten. The Panther II works best in a pack, just like any other medium. Provisions. Both and Max Crew %: 2903.25 B2 740 (f) V Captured KV-1. Verringert die Nachladezeit des Geschützes um 10 %, wenn die Fahrzeugstruktur weniger als 10 % beträgt. Erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit einen kritischen Treffer zu landen. - posted in Medium Tanks: Hi The forums and video guides are devoid of any updated feelings about the Panther 2 and it new gun. 100% Crew Both: 1776.25 IX Kampfpanzer 50 t. IX E 50. With 100% Signal Boost: 372 m VIII. Funktioniert nur, wenn die Fähigkeit zu 100 % von jedem Besatzungsmitglied erlernt wurde. The introduction of the 8.8cm L/100 gun would seem to rule out the 8.8cm L/71 as the gun of choice. 2 390 000 88 500 Preceded by. Allerdings könnt ihr es dem Gegner schwerer machen, indem ihr euer Fahrzeug in Bewegung haltet, sodass nur die extrem haltbare Geschützblende getroffen wird. Additionally, many of the problems the Panther II was made to address had been resolved, such as the weak side armor. Standard Gun The only remaining Panther II, located in Ft. Knox. Je höher der Lernfortschritt, desto höher ist der Effekt. 75% Crew: 2299.5 Tier for Tier the Panther IIs guns didnt cut it up to tier X. 124.3 % Aiming. But I think the blitz maps are much smaller than the maps on PC, which means tanks usually flight face to face. Sniping is always preferential in the Panther II over direct engagement, but don't discount scrapping entirely; the Panther II can take some decent hits, but only risk it if you have support. 100% Crew: 2395.75 Modules. On top of that the Panther II is also extremely large for a medium tank and taller than many of its peers. English; Deutsch; français; español; magyar; polski; čeština; русский ; Tiếng Việt; WoT Panzervergleich v.9.15. With Coated Optics: 418 m Rammer: 1564.5 It lacks both the speed and the agility to do so with any large amount of success. VIII Panther II. Greetings fellow tank commanders! Nominal DPM: 1042.2 Vents: 1111.05 With 100% Crew: 380 m 75% Crew: 1424.5 With BiA and Vents: 0.321 m VII. A number of engines were under consideration, among them the new Maybach HL 234 fuel-injected engine (900 hp operated by an 8-speed hydraulic transmission). Both: 3.38 s With 75% Crew: 0.379 m A Panther I Ausf G turret was mounted by the US army. Using Shell Type 1 (135 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute In unserem Guide zum Panther in World of Tanks zeigen wir euch die Vor- und Nachteile des deutschen Mittleren Panzers und erklären euch, wie ihr mit dem Tier-VII-Panzer in WoT … VIII M48A2 Räumpanzer. 50% Crew: 1566 With 100% Crew: 740.5 m Erhöht die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Munitionslagers. VI. Rammer: 1739.5 The Panther II is a solid and capable tank in the right hands; understanding its strengths and weaknesses are the key to sucess. V Panther, it is best to understand you are still in the same role. Der Panther II ist ein deutscher mittlerer Panzer der Stufe 8. Die … Vents: 2450 Der Panzer ist in der Lage, Ziele auf beliebige Entfernungen verlässlich zu treffen. Shots through the lower glacis will often find your engine broken. Maximum possible: 465.4 m, With 50% Crew: 573.1 m IV Schmalturm Pz.Kpfw. 50% Crew: 1855 Advantageous Damage Per Minute Maximum possible: 0.308 m, With 50% Crew: 2.849 s Two prototypes with the existing Panther I turrets were ordered in 1944. Both and BiA: 2782.5 Die Entwicklung einer neuen Ausführung des Panthers wurde im … Theoretical Damage Per Minute Reduziert die Reparaturzeit von beschädigten Modulen. Das Fahrzeug ist ziemlich groß und lässt sich am besten beim Spielen in einer Hügellandschaft verstecken. Vergleichen; Panzerliste; Über uns / Kontakt  Vergleiche: Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 gegen Panther II. Obwohl die ersten Modelle des Panthers die Fabriken gerade erst verließen, wurde bereits 1942 ein Konstruktionsauftrag für ein Nachfolgemodell vergeben. 50% Crew: 1431 The new cannon provides you with way more options in the battlefield - thanks to the nearly doubled damage, you can easily d… Both and Max Crew %: 1451.25, Standard Gun Posted by olandewgamers on June 24, 2016 June 24, 2016. Der »Panther II« sollte ein Fahrzeug werden, dass eine besser gepanzerte Wanne aufwies, da es bedenken dahingehend gab, dass die seitliche Wannenpanzerung sich als zu schwach gegen russische Panzerbüchsen erweisen könnte. Lássuk hát, mivel is van dolgunk. First-shot DPM: 1177.2 The gun the Panther II is performing best with is the 8.8 cm KwK L/100. This upgrade increased the glacis plate to 100 mm (3.9 in), the side armor to 60 mm (2.4 in), and the top armor to 30 mm (1.2 in). 1 Game Data 1.1 Stat Growth 2 Background 3 Voice Lines 4 Strategy 5 Trivia 6 Navigation •It had thicker armour when compared with the Panther and some standardised components were implemented from the Tiger II tank. Hauptgrund war, dass die Panzerung des Panthers (80-mm-Front- und 40-mm-Seitenpanzerung) nicht ausreichend erschien. (Copied from Wikipedia) •Although sometimes mistaken by other games as an actual active German tank, the Panther II … Blitz Panther II - read more about Panther II, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android Panther II. The vehicle was conceived in 1943. Der Panzerkampfwagen IV (kurz PzKpfw IV oder Panzer IV) war ein mittlerer deutscher Panzer des Zweiten Weltkrieges.Anfangs nur in sehr geringen Stückzahlen hergestellt, wurde der von Krupp entwickelte und von 1937 bis zum Kriegsende produzierte Panzer IV mit 8500 Exemplaren der meistgebaute deutsche Panzerkampfwagen. Andere Fertigkeiten verbessern die Stabilisierung des Geschützes, die Sichtweite und die Haltbarkeit des Munitionslagers. 444 Stück standen am 22. M. Schwere Panzer IV Durchbruchswagen 2. It lacks both the speed and the agility to do so with any large amount of success. First-shot DPM: 2472.75 Panther II vs Tiger II from Panther - posted in General Discussion: Am playing panther and about time to upgrade. Rammer: 2661.75 Didnt get along with the lower penetration guns, compared to the Panther. With 75% Crew: 286.6 m Both and Max Crew %: 2374.65. 50% Crew: 841.05 Pick off badly injured tanks, weave about through streets and alleys, use plenty of cover and outsmart your foes, keep on the lookout for newly spotted targets and eliminate them as quickly as you can and you will find yourself able to completely turn, if not help turn the tide of a battle. VIII. VIII Panther II. Platz 1: Der Leopard 2A7 ist eine Verbesserung des Leopard 2 und gilt wohl … Sobald ihr euch an den Spielstil des Panther gewöhnt habt, fühlt sich die Stufe-VIII-Version wie das Original an, nur besser – selbstverständlich. VIII Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71. M. Schwere Panzer IV Durchbruchswagen 2. Using Shell Type 3 (175 Damage): With an elite crew, this tank can spot farther, turn and aim faster, and with its high DPM out-gun almost any other tank in its classes tier. Waffenbrüder gewährt eurem Fahrzeug zusätzliche Boni, die stets nützlich sind. Er verfügte über 3,7 oder 5,0-Zentimeter-Kanonen, hatte eine Panzerung von 10 … Die Wanne darf für mindestens 3 Sekunden nicht bewegt werden. Rammer: 2836.75 Genauso wie die anderen Fahrzeuge des Zweiges, besteht der Hauptvorteil des Panther II in seiner hohen Genauigkeit, kombiniert mit der großen Durschschlagskraft. The top Schmalturm turret was developed only after the Panther II project was cancelled. Both and BiA: 2957.5 Rammer: 3.46 s Before I delve into this tank's innate …

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