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nute gunray species

Overall, they looked very similar to the D… Saved by David F Lamas P. Star Wars Species Trade Federation Star Wars Pictures Galaxy 2 The Phantom Menace George Lucas Star Wars Episodes Clone Wars Starwars. Nute hive[4]Neimoidian Inner Circle[1]Galactic Republic[5]Trade Federation[6]Order of the Sith Lords[6]Confederacy of Independent Systems[7]Separatist Council[8] Nute Gunray was eventually escorted back to Coruscant in the company of Senator Finis Valorum prior to Stark's defeat. He implored the Senate to intervene when the Stark Commercial Combine began attacking Federation transports carrying precious bacta. Zwar hätte er auch über geheime Routen fliegen können, doch hielt er das für nicht eindrucksvoll genug. This article needs appropriate citations. By this point, Gunray had began to grow weary of the war, and privately feared that all was lost as he and his allies were driven from the Core. Remove this notice when finished. [8], Sometime later, Gunray was contacted by Shu Mai, who asked if he wished to join her in a convoy while they travelled to Belderone, the safe harbour Grievous had promised the Council. Als gleichzeitig die einheimischen Gungans eine Armee aufstellten, entsandte Gunray all seine Truppen, um diesen Aufstand niederzuschlagen. A captive Gunray attempts to bribe Commander Gree. Portrayed by: Silas Carson (films) Voiced by: Tom Kenny (The Clone Wars) Dubbed by: Thierry Desroses (French, Prequel Trilogy) Appearances: The Phantom Menace | Attack of the Clones | The Clone Wars | Revenge of the Sith "I never risk my own skin if I don't have to." Died When he declared himself to Gunray in 33 BBY, Darth Sidious attributed Gunray's voracious desires and ambition to the conditions of his early life.[1][9][10]. Adult individuals were known to be tall, ranging from 1.9 to 2.11 meters. No places to show. Outraged by the intrusion, Gunray attempted to trace the call until the figure calmly introduced himself as the sender of the pylat, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Using an army of powerful and merciless Battle Droids, Gunray's forces invaded the planet. [8] His personality grated against General Grievous, who, unlike Gunray, was a vicious, strategically-minded military commander with a sense of authority. Daraufhin tauchte das Gesicht des vermeintlichen Jedis hinter der Brückenbrüstung auf und Nute Gunray befahl das Feuer zu eröffnen. After meeting with Grievous and the rest of the council, Gunray learned that Grievous planned to keep the council together for the foreseeable future and find them a new safe harbour in the Outer Rim. Wie alle Neimoidianer verzichtete Gunray darauf, Arbeiten selbst zu erledigen, so dass Protokolldroiden wie TC-14 Botschafter ablenkten, damit Gunray und seine Mitarbeiter hinter deren Rücken Gesetze so zurechtbiegen konnten, bis sie passten. Hair color The invasion was well-organized, and the planet fully conquered within the day. General Grievous schoss daraufhin einen Teil von Gunrays Eskortjägern aufgrund der alten Feindschaft ab, musste ihm aber schließlich dennoch helfen, da Dooku die Handelsföderation unter seinen persönlichen Schutz gestellt hatte. Die Handelsföderation wurde im Jahre 350 VSYgegründet und wurde nicht immer von Neimoidianern kontrolliert, doch spielten sie eine große Rolle beim Aufbau und der Verwaltung der Organisation. Amidala kehrte jedoch nicht zurück und stellte auf Coruscant einen Misstrauensantrag gegen Kanzler Valorum. — Nute Gunray (Quelle) Um mit Verhandlungen zu beginnen, entsandte Valorum die Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn und Obi-Wan Kenobi nach Naboo. 2 Nute Gunray If the word "slimy" were to manifest in physical being, it would be in the form of Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. ; 8862 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 19013 in the last 7 days, 31788 in the last month. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten. Alle verfügbaren Kampfdroiden wurden in die Arena geschickt, trotzdem musste Gunray wie die anderen Separatistenführer die Flucht in die Katakomben ergreifen. [8] Gunray was particularly fond of Hutt artwork, as he greatly admired the species for their business skill. Beschreibung While Gunray was consumed with dread over inevitably having to report the incident to Sidious, the Sith Lord had in fact dealt with the situation himself by dispatching his apprentice, Darth Maul, to kill Monchar and anyone he had spoken with, neutralizing the threat.[15]. About Nute Gunray. Nute Gunray war ein Unternehmer und wie viele Neimoidianer ein geschickter Geschäftsmann. [2] Ihre Ermordung wurde von Darth Sidious befohlen, da dieser sie nach seiner Machtübernahme nicht mehr benötigte und dem Krieg ein schnelles Ende bereiten wollte. Nute Gunrays Palast war der Palast des Neimoidianers Nute Gunray während der Klonkriege.. Geschichte []. Nute Gunray was the Viceroy of the Trade Federation and a Neimoidian. Neimoidians are a humanoid species with horizontally split pupils, no protruding nose, and grayish skin. He is later betrayed and killed by Asajj Ventress. He also appears in a few episodes of the television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Amidala startete einen Angriff auf ihren Alten Palast. Gunray watched as the smoke cleared and found Vader gone. [6], The outraged Governor Sio Bibble demanded how Gunray planned to explain this invasion to the Galactic Senate, to which Gunray replied he and the Queen would a sign a treaty to legitimize the occupation. During the Clone Wars, Gunray tempted Onaconda Farr, the senator of Rodia, with an offer to join the Separatists and receive the aid and protection for Rodia that the Republic had failed to provide, in exchange for Farr luring Senator Amidala to the planet and handing her over to him. Gunray never publicly revealed the involvement of Darth Sidious in the blockade of Naboo, partly out of fear, but also because Gunray felt that Sidious had not abandoned him completely, and was working to ensure nothing ever came of the many trials that Gunray and his chief officer's went through. Nute Gunray was a Separatist leader during the Clone Wars and the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Es entbrannte ein kurzer Kampf, der damit endete, dass Jar Jar erneut durch das Gitter abtauchte. Aber da dieser sich in den Händen der Republik befand, wussten die Jedi-Generäle Bescheid und konnten die Eroberung Belderones verhindern. Nute Gunraywas aNeimoidianmalewho served as a StintMinisterof theTrade Federationuntil he rose in power after theStark Hyperspace Warin44 BBY, eventually becomingSenator of the Trade Federation. Da der Droide TC-14, den Gunray zu den Botschaftern schickte, um sie abzulenken, feststellte, dass die beiden Jedi waren… In der Arena der Gerechtigkeit sollte Amidala, Skywalker sowie der Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi exekutiert werden, indem man wilde Bestien auf sie losließ. He swiftly contacted Sidious, at which point Daultay Dofine expressed his concerns about the plan. Allerdings galt er selbst für einen Neimoidianer als besonders auf seinen Vorteil bedacht und rücksichtslos gegenüber anderen. [14], Gunray was openly fearful of Darth Sidious, but was frequently forced to place his fate in the Sith's hands. 1,91 Meter Nute Gunray on the Saak'ak during the Blockade of Naboo. Promising Gunray a "surprise promotion", Sidious dispatched his apprentice Darth Maul to the mining world of Dorvalla, where Maul pit the rival companies Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore against one another. He was involved the famous Invasion of Naboo at the behest of his myterious benefactor Darth Sidious. 90 kilograms[3] Gunrays Droiden zerstörten das Schiff, mit dem Obi-Wan und Qui-Gon gekommen waren, den Jedi hingegen gelang die Flucht. Kurz darauf wurde sie von Nute Gunray und Senator Farr gefunden und zwei Kampfdroiden erschienen mit C3PO, den sie in der Kommunikationszentrale fassen konnten. He is also a supporting antagonist in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series. [6], After Sidious ordered Gunray to begin the invasion of Naboo, Gunray was skeptical, as he was concerned over the legality of actually invading Naboo. Senatorin Amidala nahm Gunray fest und Senator Farr teilte ihm mit, dass er auf Seiten der Republik stehe und Nute Gunray in Arrest genommen werde. [7], Gunray soon found himself at odds with the Confederacy's new Supreme Commander, General Grievous. Nute Gunray Gunray declined her request, but played along, pretending he had been informed of this already and could waste no time in travelling to Belderone himself. But hey, maybe these scenes were just left on the cutting room floor. Gunray allowed the Chancellor's ambassadors on his ship but when TC-14 revealed they were Jedi, Gunray contacted his secret ally, Darth Sidious who told the Viceroy to kill the Jedi. Beruf / Tätigkeit Diese vernahm auch Padmé und nahm an, dass Jar Jar umgekommen sei. Biographical information To connect with Nute, sign up for Facebook today. In den letzten Jahrzehnten der Republik stieg der Einfluss der Föderation in ungeahntem Maße an, während sie sich kleinere Unternehmen einverleibte. [13], In 33 BBY, Gunray received an anonymous gift: a red-spotted pylat bird. Darth Maul hielt sich bei Gunray auf Naboo auf, als Amidala zurückkehrte, um den Planeten von seiner Herrschaft zu befreien. Gunray wurde später von Dookus Schülerin Asajj Ventress befreit, da Darth Sidious befürchtete Gunray könnte wichtige Informationen über die Separatisten und ihn preisgeben.[1]. At the instigation of the Sidious—secretly Naboo Senator Palpatine—the Trade Federation decided to force a resolution to the dispute by blockading the planet Naboo with a fleet of modified battleships, cutting off all shipping to the planet. Height [6][7][2] Carson, when portraying the character, voiced him with a Thai accent. Soon, clone troopers arrived on Rodia and arrested the Viceroy. Nute Gunray auf Rodia.. Da das Volk von Rodia seit der Zerstörung ihrer Versorgungsgüter an Hunger litt, nutzte Nute Gunray die Gunst der Stunde und schloss einen Deal mit Senator Onaconda Farr.Der Deal beinhaltete, dass Nute Gunray Rodia durch die Schiffe der Handelsföderation beschützen lassen würde und Versorgungsgüter - insbesondere Nahrungsmittel - zur Verfügung stellte. However, the two Jedi managed to escape, but Gunray decided to keep this secret from Sidious for the time being. Als nun ein Double namens Sabé erschien, hielt Gunray dieses für die echte Königin und befahl ihre Verfolgung. Gunray was now forced to inform Sidious, who was not pleased with this latest turn of events. Eventually, she and C-3PO were captured and imprisoned by Gunray and his battle droids, but Jar Jar interrupted his plans by disguising himself in Anakin Skywalker's Jedi cloak and running into the battle, along with the help of a Kwazel Maw he had nicknamed "Bogey". [18] As Argyus faced off with Gree, Nute saw that Gree had the upper hand, sneaked up behind the clone and knocked him unconscious with a blaster rifle. Aufgrund von Gunrays Droidekas mussten die Jedi die Flucht ergreifen und die Invasion begann. your own Pins on Pinterest It was Gunray who conspired with the Sith Lord Darth Sidious to launch the blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. This frustrated him to no end, and he came to feel that the Directorate would never accept a Neimoidian Viceroy. Jar Jar Binks stürzte daraufhin halb ab, rettete sich aber mit der Liane und federte damit wieder auf und ab und rettete sich schließlich auf den Boden. He is viceroy of the Trade Federation and a member of the Separatists. [20], In 19 BBY, near the end of the Clone Wars, Gunray attempted to convince the Wookiee royal families of Kashyyyk to join the Confederacy. [8], Gunray and the Separatist Council were later relocated to the outer rim world of Utapau, where Gunray and the others watched Grievous's attack on Coruscant via the HoloNet, for the first time, Gunray began to believe that he had underestimated the Cyborg General, and joined the rest of the council in celebration.[8]. The Trade Federation had long sought to control the planet's lommite trade, and owing to Maul's actions the two companies merged to form Dorvalla Mining, which soon agreed to allow the Trade Federation to export lommite ore, and to accept Trade Federation representation in the Senate. The real Queen used the distraction to take out Gunray's guards and held him and Haako at gunpoint. Als sie am Gefängnisturm ankamen, teilte ihnen ein Kampfdroide mit, dass Senatorin Amidala entkommen sei. Chronological and political information Democrats, whose messaging had improved since Ted Kennedy's "Star Wars" flub, started calling it a 'Contract On America.". Congratulations, America! Genau wie die Leiter einiger anderer großen Unternehmen, wie zum Beispiel Wat Tambor von der Techno-Union oder Passel Argente von der Firmenallianz, kontaktierte der Sith-Lord Dooku Gunray, damit der sich Dookus Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme und der damit einhergehenden Separatistenbewegung anschließt. Nute Gunray overseeing the Battle of Geonosis with Count Dooku. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. The resulting expulsion of Pulsar voided its CEO's position in the Trade Federation Directorate, and was in need of replacement. Gunray zwang den Gouverneur von Naboo, Sio Bibble, eine Nachricht an Amidala zu schicken, in der Bibble Amidala bat zurückzukommen, da unter Gunrays Herrschaft die Bevölkerung litt. Though he was suspicious of the gift's provenance, the pylot was a sign of power and wealth in Neimoidian society, and the red-spotted bird was a particularly rare specimen. The History of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 1, Drawing from the Imagination: Mythological Creatures in, About Nute. Körpergröße Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation, was more a … Nute Gunray is a male Neimoidian and the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Neimoidian[1] So he changed it to Neimoidian named after Mr. Spock actor Leonard Nimoy. OOL-2 mistakenly reported to Nute Gunray that Gundarks had destroyed the power core, and the Viceroy ordered that the gundarks be eliminated from Alaris Prime. 2 Shmi Skywalker And The Females. Minister Nute Gunray during the Stark Hyperspace War. Gunray ist ein Anagramm aus dem englischen Wort Raygun, was auf Deutsch Strahlenpistole bedeutet. Nute Gunray was played by Silas Carson, who also played Ki-Adi-Mundi, Neimoidian Senator Lott Dod, and Republic Lieutenant Williams in all three episodes of the prequel trilogy. Carson, when portraying the character, voiced him with a Thai accent. He had … Gunray supported the expulsion, citing "malicious disregard of profit" and "charitable donations lacking discernible reward". Fearing the repercussions of Darth Sidious were to discover Monchar's treachery, Gunray told Sidious that Monchar had simply been taken ill from too much rich food. He was played by voice-actor Phil Proctor in the game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds,[13] by Tom Kenny in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series, by David W. Collins in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video game, and by Scott Cleverdon in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game. Jedipedia ist eine Fandom-Filme-Community. Gunray saw his chance for revenge and was delighted when the former Queen was sentenced to death and he would be there to witness it. Nute Gunray is a supporting character in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. None[1] Nov 1, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Kai Qin/Christian Gonzales. ; Brickset members have written 36215 set reviews. The then-Chancellor, Valorum, sent two Jedi Knights, Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to force a settlement upon them. Auf dem Weg wollte Senator Farr wissen, wann er mit den versprochenen Versorgungsgütern, die sie so dringend benötigten, rechnen könne. Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. Zugehörigkeit Mar 26, 2013 - Neimoidians are known for their business skills, but Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation, was more cutthroat than most. Auch ließ er seinen Mechno-Stuhl, durch den er mit Sidious Kontakt aufzunehmen pflegte, zurück. Dooku sent his Dark Jedi apprentice, Asajj Ventress, to rescue the Viceroy from the Republic forces. 19 BBY (16:5:23 ArS), Mustafar[2] Rot Nute Gunray was a Neimoidian male who served as a stint Minister of the Trade Federation until he rose in power after the Stark Hyperspace War in 44 BBY, eventually becoming Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Trade Federation. Gunray war habgierig und immer auf seinen eigenen Vorteil bedacht, so sah er nur sich, die anderen waren ihm egal. Help us, Chris Taylor. Gunray was smug when talking with Queen Amidala, telling her he knew nothing of any ambassadors. Um mit Verhandlungen zu beginnen, entsandte Valorum die Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn und Obi-Wan Kenobi nach Naboo. Gunray berichtete nichts über den fehlenden Stuhl. Nachdem die Jedi hohe Verluste zu beklagen hatten, tauchte unter dem Kommando von Jedi-Meister Yoda eine Klonarmee auf, die das Blatt wendete. He soon grew tired of the Governor's protests however, and informed him he would die much sooner than his people. A resurgent GOP under House Speaker Newt Gingrich started pushing its tax-cutting, regulation-slashing 'Contract with America.' Ultimately even to Lucas’s ear the name sounded more like dooku than Count Dooku. Sidious told Gunray to begin invading Naboo. Dofine hurried away, frightened by the Sith Lord. Gunray gab nun vor, er habe keine Nachricht von Grievous im Bezug auf Belderone erhalten. As Maul arrived, Gunray detected the Queen's ship and tracked it to the swamps on Naboo. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. This is such an historic and momentous day! Gunray's celebration was short-lived, as news soon reached the Council that Count Dooku had been killed and the Separatist forces defeated. As a result, Gunray's power was solidified, and so was the hold Sidious had over the Viceroy. Dieser wurde nun von den Jedi gefunden und untersucht. Obwohl er direkten Konfrontationen mied und sich wie viele Angehörige seiner Spezies nicht durch Mut auszeichnete, bewies er mehr Selbstbewusstsein als einige seiner Untergebenen. Nute Gunray [6] In the Revenge of the Sith video game, Gunray escaped Vader in the Separatist control center on Mustafar and attempted to flee in his ship, which was destroyed by the vengeful former Jedi and then plunged into the lava river beneath. Gunray hielt sich mit Dooku sowie Erzherzog Poggle von Geonosis auf einem Balkon auf und versuchte, kein Ziel für das Feuer der Droiden darzustellen. It spent at least several months as a top-ten bestseller, and its sales may have increased due to its subject's involvement in the war. Gunray was also a highly successful businessman, his talents in this field catching the attention of Darth Sidious. In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Gunray and his organization, the Trade Federation, appear to be the movie's primary villains, but it is made clear early on to the audience that the real antagonist is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious (Ian McDiarmid). There are 16878 items in the Brickset database. Poggle the Lesser quickly wraps up the trial and orders his guards to take Anakin and Padmé to the execution arena. He had no qualms about exploiting innocent people for the love of money—rather, he encouraged it. Sidious revealed his apprentice to the shocked Gunray and Haako, and told him that Darth Maul would find the Queen. A new chancery election was called for, and Naboo's own Senator Palpatine was ultimately elected the new Chancellor. As the Republic launched an offensive to reclaim the Core Worlds from Separatist control, General Grievous ordered the members of the Separatist Council to rendezvous with him in the Outer Rim Territories. Vizekönig der Handelsföderation Gunray flog gegen Ende des Krieges, geschützt von einer Schlachtflotte, zu den Neimoidianischen Rohstoffwelten, wo er seinen Palast auf Cato Neimoidia aufsuchte. Fearing the consequences if he told Grievous he had let the chair fall into the hands of the Republic, Gunray decided to remain quiet. [7][17] While often perceived as villainous, Gunray was not any different from his Neimoidian peers, whose culture was entirely devoid of the notion of morality that motivated other species. When the General arrived to meet with them, Gunray openly challenged Grievous before the council, noting the General's failure at Coruscant, the escape of Chancellor Palpatine and the death of Count Dooku, but he was dismissed by the General.[2]. [30], Gunray's Revenge of the Sith head piece is the only one without three points. Homeworld Biografische Daten Heimat Nute Gunray had joined the Trade Federation at some point in his life and began early on as a junior trade officer but, quickly saw the opportunity for a promotion.The Pulsar Supertanker corporation was being reviewed for expultion and Gunray was the final deciding factor on what would happen. Nute Gunray, believe it or not, was a very strong seller and collectors were buying up multiples to make customs of the rest of the crew on the Trade Federation starship.

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