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mauna kea protocol chants

The lines swelled to over 100 womxn, locked arm-in-arm in front of the elders’ tent. But in the midst of the standoff news came that 185 miles and five islands away, a convoy of vehicles on Oʻahu had stopped traffic on the major highway in Honolulu. Merchandise for Sale! Then 40. We are your sisters, your mothers, your daughters, your aunties.”. Wāhine (womxn) have been protecting Mauna a Wākea, also known as Maunakea, since time immemorial. Mauna Kea Hui letter to Governor Ige dated April 1, 2015 signed by 66,565 people and hand delivered to Governor Ige -April 2015: 02/26/2017: B.18 I (duplicate) 02/26/2017: B.18 J: Mauna Kea Hui Press Statement re Petition Delivery to Ige Chief of Staff Mike McCartney Statements of Privacy, Copyright, & Disclaimer. This is ea, a Hawaiian word that refers all at once to life, breath, and sovereignty. They wanted to be the first to face arrest, and we would give law enforcement no excuse to use violence. In 2019, efforts to protect Mauna Kea, Hawaiʻiʻs tallest mountain, from the construction of a Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) (1), crystalised the Hawaiian movement, unlike any other Hawaiian-related issue in the past, uniting tens of thousands of Native Hawaiians of all ages, on all islands, and removing long-standing barriers between Native … We called out to the uniformed men in sunglasses staring toward us: “Brothers, before you arrest us, know who we are! Kamehameha Schools © All rights reserved. They direct volunteers to stations needing help. 2014 Educational Technology Services of Kamehameha, Oli Kāhea (Kū mai au he Hawai‘i) and Oli Komo (E hea i ke kanaka), Faculty Tri-campus:  Nā Kini Pua Lei Mamo Hawai‘i [audio], Significance of Oli (Chants) in Hawaiian Society, Chants Taught in Hawaiian Language Classes, Pule & Scripture (Na Pule a me Na ‘Ōlelo a Ke Akua), Geography & History (Ka Ho‘ike Honua a me Ka Mo‘aukala Hawai‘i), Our ‘Āina & Kai (Ko Kākou ‘Āina a me Ke Kai). Wāhine like Yvonne Mahelona, Makanalani Gomes, Keano Davis, and Tia Masaniai welcome visiting protectors and tourists who arrive at the check-in booth. By Noelani Goodyear-Kaʻōpua and Yvonne Mahelona. We showed our respect to Mauna Kea by standing in our bare feet on the road to her summit for the protocol. Yet the important responsibilities that womxn carry within this movement has not been covered in mainstream news media. The kūpuna asked us to be quiet. We are farmers, fishers, technicians, accountants. We are the educators who teach your children. Wāhine like Presley Keʻalaanuhea Ah Mook Sang — founder of Puʻuhuluhulu University — coordinate daily classes and workshops so that people are constantly learning and growing, while protecting the Mauna. Posted by E. Kalani Flores, about 5 years ago Mele for Mauna Kea The following are just a few examples of the mele and music videos being inspired by Mauna Kea and her kiaʻi (protectors). All included vendors donate partial or full proceeds to the Protection of Mauna Kea. In a hypermasculine spectacle of the settler stateʻs capacity for violence, riot police were fully armed as they prepared to face off with peaceful protectors who were outfitted with rain jackets, hats, lei, and sunscreen. 1,998 likes. Take the Chant competency quiz and find out what level you are. These chants are to be used only on Kaho‘olawe and are kapu elsewhere. We are filmmakers, writers, storytellers, students. They deescalate tense situations, especially when tourists are upset about not being able to go up to the summit. Womxn organize and run various parts of the camp. Many deities who are embodied as forms of water — Poliʻahu (snow), Lilinoe (mist), Waiau (lake), Kahoupokāne (springs), and storms — reside on and give life to the mountain. Kekuhi Keali‘ikanaka‘oleohaililani chants on the Mauna Kea Access Road. Among the kūpuna wāhine arrested on July 17 were womxn who have for years been leading seasonal ceremonies on Maunakea to honor these and other deities on the mountain. Unapologetic. The check-in tent, the kitchen, the kūpuna council, the childcare tent, and the organic university that has sprung up on the lava fields at the base of Puʻu Huluhulu, as well as coordinating medics, media, donations, and childcare. Protocol on Mauna Kea Our Sacred Mountain Hawaiian Culture Hawaiian Protocol on Mauna Kea ... or opening chant. “Mana māhū!” the wāhine line yelled in jubilation! By Noelani Goodyear-Kaʻōpua and Yvonne Mahelona. They receive and sort donations. Wāhine like Ruth Aloua, who has been a heart of the movement since 2015, tend crops and fishponds off-site, to remind us that the boundaries of this puʻuhonua are not the boundaries of this movement. And while some parts of the aha are reserved specifically for Hawaiians, other parts encourage active participation by all. They realized that whatever happened to kiaʻi (guardians) on Hawaiʻi island would trigger responsive actions in the major economic centers on Oʻahu and Maui. Mahalo for sharing these chants and other significant accounts! Identify the appropriate context and protocol for each chant. Sure, we still deal with the heteropatriarchal forces (both internal and external) that U.S. occupation has solidified in our islands. DONATE. First 20. Oli and mele will be recited in unison with kanaka on the Mauna on Saturday, July 27 at 9 AM to open our 4 Days of Aloha Hō’ike and Hawaiian Festival, and again at 3 PM. Protocol is a sacred community building activity that happens every day and consists of oli (chants), pule (prayer), and hula (dance). Non- kānaka maoli were allowed to observe the protocol and were invited to participate in a certain part. A Medium newsletter by, for, and about Black women Take a look. We are the counselors who help our people work through the cultural traumas we carry. Arrest me!” Kahaulelio was arrested along with 32 other elders that day. The struggle to protect Maunakea against the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), an 18-story building occupying over five acres of conservation land, takes place amidst the backdrop of a crowded field of existing astronomy observatories, built on the mountain over the past 55 years. Chant for Kapawa Kapawa, the chief of Wai'alua, Was born at Kukaniloko; Wahiawa the site; At Lihu'e the placenta, At Ka'ala the navel cord, At Kapukapuakea (Heiau) the caul, (Heiau) of Kaiaka at Maeaea; He died at Nukea at Wainakia Through (the surf of) 'A'aka at Haleu, Through the calm stillness of Hauola, The chief Kapawa was taken, ‘O Mauna Kea ko käkou kuahiwi la’a (Mauna Kea our sacred mountain) expresses the feelings that modern day Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians alike have for this wahi pana, a legendary place. Wāhine like Kumu Hula (hula master teachers) Pualani Kanaka‘ole Kanahele, Pua Case, and Kekuhi Keali‘ikanaka‘oleohaililani lead ceremonial protocols three times a day to focus protectors on the reason we gather and to remind us to conduct ourselves in kapu aloha while on the Mauna. A publication from Medium for Black women. Merchandise for Sale! Wāhine (womxn) have been protecting Mauna a Wākea, also known as Maunakea, since time immemorial. We could see the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), popularly called a “sound cannon,” facing the elders’ tent. 日本全国の マウナケアを聖地とし 愛するみなさんと ハワイ島 マウナケアを繋ぐ 橋 These steps are consistent in any Hawaiian protocol. The police eventually withdrew as government officials contemplated their next move. Astronomers say Mauna Kea is the ideal place to build the $1.4 billion Thirty Meter Telescope, which they hope will be able to look back in time 13 billion light years, believed to … "Mauna Kea holds a special place on Earth, as it stands as a place of peace and Aloha, not just for Hawai`i but for the world." All will participate in an interactive heART filled tribute to a sacred mountain in a workshop honoring Mauna Kea through protocol, chants, storytelling, music and dance as presented by Mauna Kea ʻOhana. Wednesday, July 24 at 5 PM Kū Kia‘i Mauna at Esther Short Park! Conducting oneself in Prayer and Ceremony on Mauna Kea . Level: Foundational . On the call, Pua described how the Protectors at Mauna Kea are standing in kapu aloha, in love and respect according to ancient protocol and wisdom. Some of the oli and hula that are taught and performed during protocol are: E Ala E, E Kānehoalani E, E Hō Mai, Nā ʻAumakua, E Iho Ana, ʻŌ Hānau ka Mauna a Kea, MaunaKea Kuahiwi, Kua Loloa Keaʻau i ka Nāhele, ʻAuʻa ʻIa, I One Huna Ka Pahu, Na Kea Koʻu Hoʻohihi ka Mauna, ʻAi Kamumu Kēkē, Kūkulu ka Pahu, Kaʻi Kūkulu. Wāhine like Kalama Niheu, Maile Wong, and Noelani Ahia coordinate free medical care and culture-based healing at the Mauna medics tent around the clock. Created for Newsweek magazine back in the 60's, The Mauna Kea Luau completes everyone's dream Hawaii experience with a taste of our culture shared through music, food and island family traditions. Here, is a very small snippet of my experience on the mauna on Wednesday July 17, 2019. You can also view these and other music videos inspired by Mauna Kea and the ongoing movement in the Mauna … No matter if someone calls this mountain Mauna a Wakea, Mauna a Kea, Mauna Kea, Maunakea, or Mauna -- its still the same sacred mountain and its sanctity is reaffirmed as noted in the chants and accounts provided by Haina Comm. Review our Privacy Policy for more information about our privacy practices. About three hours into the arrest process on July 17, police were getting impatient. Pua described how Mauna Kea is everywhere -- the Protectors are standing not only for the most sacred site in the Pacific, but for waterways and sacred lands across the world. We raised our hands to signal our love for our elders: artists, teachers, business owners, university professors, community leaders, knowledge keepers. Then the show begins with mesmerizing dance and chants for which Hawaii is known as the evening crescendos to the thrilling fire knife dance. By signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. The following chants were composed by the Edith Kanaka‘ole Foundation unless otherwise noted. A majority of those arrested were womxn. What is happening at Maunakea is so much more than a struggle to stop the Thirty Meter Telescope from being built on our sacred summit. The TMT’s own environmental impact statement acknowledges that the cumulative harm of this development has been and will continue to be “substantial, significant, and adverse” with the addition of the new facility. In honoring our own local mountain and water sources through chants and hula, we'll call on the UW to critically reevaluate its support for the Thirty-Meter Telescope that is harmful to Kanaka Māoli cultural and environmental resources. Restorative, Candlelit Yoga It is Wahi Kapu -- Sacred Place and Sacred Space to be entered in Aloha, Reverence and in Ceremony. We chanted, sang, and recited poetry. Lāhui Mauna Kea Japan, 世田谷区 経堂. Organize! Click here to download an orientation packet that includes all oli and protocol procedures. We prepared to be hit with pepper spray, sound cannon, and baton. Cultural Protocol for Approaching Kaho‘olawe Island. All of these operations are organized and led primarily by womxn. Statements of Privacy, Copyright, & Disclaimer. WORKSHOP SESSION WILL BEGIN WITH PROTOCOL AT WAIPIʻO VALLEY LOOK OUT AS A WELCOME TO HĀMĀKUA. A noncapitalist community grounded in living Hawaiian cultural practice is rising, like the kupukupu ferns that grow from cracks in the black lava rock and unfurl toward the sun. 8 Ho‘opono Mauna Kea – Winter 2001-Spring 2002 Mauna Kea Updates ISSUE NO. Now more than seven weeks into the standoff, womxn continue to play major leadership roles in the puʻuhonua (sanctuary) that was established and consecrated three days before the first confrontation with law enforcement in July. We are the doctors, nurses, and healers who care for your families. We bit our tongues. Wāhine like ʻIlima Long write press releases, greet news reporters, direct media requests, and help build the story-based strategies of the movement. Its peak is 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft) above sea level, mostly underwater, and when measured from its oceanic base, Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world, measuring over 10,000 m (33,000 ft) in height. Rows of law enforcement officers from multiple state and county divisions lined the access road. As with other ethnic cultures throughout the world, early Polynesians believed their highest points Narration: Alliances and solidarity are also built into the thrice daily ceremonies, or aha, on Mauna Kea--a protocol of several chants, or oli, and dances (hula) in alignment with the mauna. All People must treat each other with Aloha and Respect. Entering Chant: KES: Oli Kāhea (Kū mai au he Hawai‘i) and Oli Komo (E hea i ke kanaka) [KES Mele website] KMS: Kūnihi ka Mauna; KHS: Kū Mauna. The struggle has also been filled with profound expressions of mana wahine and mana māhū: the power of womxn and nonbinary folx. Eighty-one-year old veteran land defender, Maxine Kahaulelio described her stance, “As a wahine koa [woman warrior/courageous woman], I’m gonna stand firm. Photo: Bryan Kamaoli Kuwada. Wāhine like Marie Alohalani Brown receive and redistribute donations of clothing, blankets, and other supplies to assure that people who are camping can safely face the alternating blazing sun and bitter cold. Join UW students and members of Seattle hula communities to stand in solidarity with Mauna Kea protectors. We cried. But, in the beloved community that sits at the base of Mauna Kea Access Road, wāhine and māhū continue to be central to the life and leadership of our Hawaiian nation. Check your inboxMedium sent you an email at to complete your subscription. Kanaka Maoli | Writer | Professor, Political Science @uhmanoa | Aloha ʻĀina. A noncapitalist community grounded in living Hawaiian cultural practice is rising, like the kupukupu ferns that grow from cracks in the black lava rock and unfurl toward the sun. ‘Malcolm & Marie’ Exposes Narcissism at Its Best, Toni Morrison as an Editor Changed Book Publishing Forever, Aquarius Season Downloads Will Color Your Astrology This Week, All Aquarius Everything: This Week’s Stellium, New Moon, and What It Means for Us, I Will Not Change My Name Because You Can’t Pronounce It, 9 Ways to Battle Bogus, Gaslighting, Trash-Talking Co-Workers, Why Black Americans Must Keep the Pressure on the Biden Administration. The Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana stands for the perpetuation of Aloha ʻĀina throughout our islands and we honor Mauna A Wākea, Haleakalā and all sacred places throughout Ko Hawai‘i Pae ‘Āina as well as throughout the Hōnua. - Kealoha Pisciotta (Read More) Take Action! Kumu Hula Victoria Holt Takamine will be sharing oli and mele that she has taught to our people on Mauna Kea. A procession would follow, which could be accompanied by additional oli, followed by the bearers of the ho‘okupu to a pre-designated site in order of their rank or status. Each morning, the kia'i greet the sun; three times a day, they conduct a ceremony called the 'aha, or the protocol, a series of chants and … They educate foreigners and locals about the histories of Maunakea, of telescopes on the Mauna, and of the longer genealogies of Hawaiian resistance in which the current movement sits. Since the day when thirty elders were arrested in a peaceful blockade of construction activity in July, a large-scale encampment has occupied the access road to Mauna Kea’s summit, marked by daily prayers, chants, dances, and sacred ceremonies of protocol.

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