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8 count body builders reddit

We spent an hour swimming in Tempe Town Lake and topped it off by going to the top of A Hill during the ASU vs Notre Dame game. A top base layer of thin 100% Merino Wool is worth every damn penny you will spend. I arrived at the Light about 15 minutes to start and ready to have some fun. Reply. Always soaked my boots/feet before. Wrote on the card to make me do 10 push-ups per rose. Show. I used the alarm on my watch to wake up. Our RDCs made him tape it to his rack. While difficult, the Challenge Welcome Party had a different air to it. Thank you for this! Cadre set the tone early that this wasn’t going to be a happy event and to get our minds right. Awesome. The waiting was the worst part and since I was near the end of the line I waited longer than most. Jacques D November 8, 2014 at 5:36 am. It had diapers and pacifiers and a big sign that said “for all the cry baby’s in your division”. I have read and bought many books on military training in every part of the army. . You’re a grownup that paid money to do something crazy. While difficult, the Challenge Welcome Party had a different air to it. Finally after a trip up Camelback Mountain we got our next Cadre swap. I won’t get into all the specifics that took place over our 8 hour Welcome Party but that is where we lost everyone else that wouldn’t complete the Heavy. Thanks for taking the time to write is all out. 8 Count Burpee (Also know as 8 Count Body Builder.) Good luck and go kill it! These people do not generally receive mail. I enjoyed writing it all down, even though I'm not a big writer, I think I needed to get it all out of my head. About 3 miles from the finish we lost shoe and strap privileges. Because I have. Thats horribly sweet, I'm sure her bf felt that every single push up was worth it. That asshole is in the Army too. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. This time by 4 reps. Post May 20, 2008 #6 2008-05-20T06:59 I'm doing my first event next month and this helped calm my nerves. By making the life of people who receive outside affection shitty, they make the life of people who have no outside affection slightly less shitty. Due to its small footprint that made it difficult to get a lot of people on, its lack of rigidity, and its 350lb + weight the Sandbag body just sucked and we struggled with it for the coming miles. Compare the 8 count pushup to the 10 mile run - you would not ask a deconditioned person to run 10 miles without expecting injury of some sort. It really was the wildest time, at the end of training when they drill sergeants became humans again and bullshitted with us. I think we only had to do pushups like the first couple of weeks. I practiced the PT test 2-3 times a week at different times, sometimes before a workout, sometimes after, sometimes all by itself. Let’s learn the basic 8-count body builder! It maintains 80+% of its warmth when its wet, naturally wicks, and regulates your body temperature. We ended up at that finish and after one more physical challenge we got patched. I threw my car into park and ran to the group. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I did 1 long Ruck a week (usually Sunday morning). In an effort to train soldiers as cheaply and as effectively as possible, the U.S, Navy devised the 8-count bodybuilder, a multi-part exercise that employs intense cardio with resistance training to promote weight loss, build lean muscle and improve overall fitness. Congrats! Now I was about to be the asshole that did that and didn’t even show up to help pay that debt. I also spent some time learning how to recognize/combat heat injury symptoms. There are a lot of good AARs out there on the GoRuck page, the GoRuck Reddit page, and other blogs (Mark Webb is the man!). They are definitely worth the push-ups and 8 count body builders. Some folks struggled and we weren’t able to complete the exercise until everyone could keep them above their heads at the same time for 10 seconds. Thankfully, I remembered what I had read in Mark Webb’s blog about killing demons and I found someone that could use my help a little past the halfway point. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While I would recommend this I would try to do it farther away from the event. Originally developed by the U.S. Navy as a means of getting new recruits into shape quickly, the eight-count bodybuilder is a variation on the four-step burpee exercise. Aging Macho Man Malcolm47. We did relays as a welcome party. The sun combined with not getting smoked anymore immediately improved group morale. Once again I got the chance to be team lead and I decided right then and there we were going to show the Cadre what we could do. You might as well have fun while doing it. We formed up and moved to an adjacent Soccer Field for roll call. It’s not my place to share what he said but I will say that it put things in perspective and feeling sorry for yourself for being tired and sleepy seemed pretty petty after that. Cadre actively encouraged quitting and we tried to find ways to turn the pain into fun. Count 4 – push yourself back up. Happy to help. Press J to jump to the feed. Then add the mark-up below to the body … One down, 2 more to go, and only 3.5 hours until the Challenge started. I never got as tired during the actual event as I was in that last mile to the summit with altitude crushing my oxygen starved body. The team leader was able to procure an extraction vehicle in the way of a Uhaul Van that all 22 of our silly asses piled into with all of our gear. Count 2 – thrust your legs straight back. A couple of months before the event I climbed Mt Whitney with a Heavy weighted ruck. Because they are an exercise in brutal body weight were used in the army for the Elite Navy Seals. That is move nr. Afterwards we were instructed on the PT Test standards for pushups and sit-ups. This turned out to be a disgusting black couch that Bert was able to locate along the way. That being said when we finally got out of that park the sun was coming up and we were down to 46 participants. Eight count bod… We made it back to the start point and after a closeout party me and the other three that were not participating in the Scavenger got our Red Patches. Some folks tried to get everyone to stay together but it became an individual event in the first 200 meters. The 8 count body builder pushup – 8 movements of a mix of pushup / burpee: Run to Pullup bar – This can start off as a sprint but likely change to a jog after several sets. When I signed up for this event it was only a HCL and I made travel plans accordingly so I was not able to participate in the Scavenger. I swung by Subway and purchased 3 footlong Turkey subs on whole grain with a lot of veggies. The. That shit was hilarious back then and it is still hilarious 15 years later. I had to do this shit straight for an hour because my rack was left … That’s move nr. After our mid-event break the intensity slowly began to ramp up again. Cadre made sure to hit every bump on the way back to the start point while I enjoyed the feeling of several people piled on top of me in a hot enclosed space. 1,385. Ever see a half a dozen GRTs stomping the shit out of a couch in a dumpster late in the morning? The u/lladnick community on Reddit. We then briefly did a little bit of the old ruck over top of your head technique. Count 1 – move into the squat position. We then we moved to the soccer fields and we stayed there…. My company leader did 100. For those that stayed their was a quick foot inspection and I started getting ready for the Welcome Party. You spend all those weeks and then at the end their like "hey buddy" and start telling jokes. 8 Count Body Builders. Website: https://www.sealfit.comFacebook: The day of the event I met up with some other GRTs to help out with stuff they may need and discuss strategies. when you get to 20 your doing 20 pushups for the 20th BB. 22 started and 22 completed. The eight count bodybuilder incorporates more steps than a Burpee and it has been used for over 60 years in the Navy Seals and other Navy programs. The Challenge got worse and worse and the temperature rose to the high 80s. You can also do it in one day and I ended up logging 26 total miles getting to the top and coming back down. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Get your feet tough before the event. I got a minor leg injury that thankfully didn’t manifest itself until near the end of the HCL but I lost some valuable training time. I arrived in Phoenix the night before the event and decided to try to flip my clock a bit. How to do 8-Count Bodybuilder: Step 1: Begin by standing tall with feet together and arms at your sides. I stayed awake until around 4am and used this time to get all my gear figured out and swing by a Super Wal-Mart to get some food items that I would need. Get your gear straight! I took some quick pictures thanked the Cadre and headed to my car for the hotel. Challenge complete! Don’t think about how many more hours or miles you have to go, just get there, your body will take care of the rest. Utilizing 5 Sandbags ranging from 40 to 120 lbs we made a “body” that had to be carried to an extraction point. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines and they all show the exercise the 8 count body builder as one of the exercises that help get them in great shape. I wanted to make sure that I felt it was part of me. I did normal Crossfit WODs 4 days a week until about 2.5 months out and then I switched to 2 Hero WODs a week. Yesterday, I decided to take the challenge myself and after doing my usual morning workout, I set my timer and proceeded … Not much was cooler than bro-ing out with the Senior Drill on the very last day, standing in line for the bus to the airport, just shooting the shit about lifting. The Drill Instructors (or military equivalent) attempt to equalize the playing field a little on mail days. 2. I did get some blisters on the top of my toes but the bottom of my feet were pristine. 58 started, 42 finished. This is an eight count exercise that starts in a standing position. Start by standing straight up with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. I re-aggravated my leg injury during the relays that for a few moments had me concerned that I was going to have to hop on one leg all the way through the Light but fortunately while still painful the leg loosened up as I moved. After the normal meet and greets with old friends and new people Cadre arrived. Thankfully my hotel was only an mile away from the start point and I tore out of my room as quick as possible. About 2 hours before the start I got up ate a peanut butter and honey sandwich along with a couple more bananas and headed to the start point. # countdownchallenge # PCF2020NYE # pcfbyron # weareone # cheers # powercombatfitness. When you think you are losing something that will make life easier you most always will just be trading it for something that will suck more. I was 43 minutes late and I asked Cadre Michael if I could participate in the challenge fully expecting him to say no. I assumed if I put myself in front of everyone no matter what was coming I wouldn’t quit. This wouldn’t have mattered a week ago but since Arizona doesn’t observe Daylight Savings time my watch was an hour behind. Later told me he was super drunk and thought it was a good idea. Straight savages even when we were leaving. I immediately volunteered because I knew that I would stop caring about me and instead focus on what I could do for the team. 3. Get going only 8 - 8 count body builders and you only have an hour before the next challenge!!. There was only one time during the 2 days that I legitimately thought about quitting and that 12 mile ruck march was it. Thanks! . What Are Eight-Count Bodybuilders?. I was pissed but shook it off and got ready for the sit-ups. While in Marine boot camp, my dad sent me letters pretty often with 'GO NAVY' on the back in big, blue ink. Which made my feet hard as hell. I got a quick 1.5 hour nap in. Instead they were the same for everyone and 20+ reps more than what I thought I was going to have to do. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! Worked up to 14 miles at 15/min mile pace. Saved by Nicole Bunch. GoRuck Challenge - 22 Started (18 from the Heavy class). I was actually okay with this becuase I knew their would be a lot of ra ra team stuff over the next two days and I wanted some time for reflection. We got to drop some weight and break up that Sandbag Body which gets to an important lesson for all GoRuck events. That's me, I'm her husband. A couple of days ago, I posted a challenge on my StrengthPLUS facebook page relating to the 8-count bodybuilder exercise that I wrote about a while ago. After another PT punishment for not making standards we were told we were going to execute a rapid movement over the next mile and how we did it would determine how we would finish. After a short movement we arrived at a point to re-fill water and finally eat some food. Eight Count Body Builders. It was then that Bert said some inspirational words to us about his background that set in my mind that I was going to finish this thing. I never stripped this layer off when going into the water. Everyone who has shown up for the Challenge across all 7 HCLs has finished. They are a hell of a workout by themselves, but if you get good with some of the progressions you can spice them up a bit. You see, at the end of the Heavy as Team Lead I had elected to transfer Burpees that we owed to the Challenge to get some more rest time for the group. I tapered a week out and started re-introducing complex carbs back into my diet. After the Welcome Party we started filling sandbags again (not a whole lot of logs in Phoenix) and Cadre Dakotah successfully constructed the worst thing I have ever had to Team Carry for a GoRuck Event. On the short drive over I told myself I didn’t care if I got a patch or not I just wanted to participate in the Challenge and help out my Team. This type of IF is often called "16:8" fasting. Step 4: Drop down into a push-up. Due to work/life events I was a bit erratic but here was my basic training understanding that I couldn’t always be strict with it. Around 2 miles away from the finish a series of hilarious events led to us getting rid of the couch in a dumpster and going from being on foot to mobile. That helped me with some of the event sequencing and most importantly gear. That “it could always be worse” life event helped tremendously mentally. 4. The 8 count body builder pushup - 8 movements of a mix of pushup / burpee: Run to Pullup bar - This can start off as a sprint but likely change to a jog after several sets. Even though it was blazing hot the Light was nothing short of a blast. 8 Count Bodybuilders. After some victories and failures to include a wonderful visit to a duck pond that I am blaming for making me sick for well over a week after we had another Cadre swap. I could feel Cadre backing away knowing that we were fighting our bodies and minds now and nothing they said could be worse than that. The best 100 8-count bodybuilder times I ever had was 100 in 6:00 minutes and if you think this time is easy try it just one time. Finally, to take a page out of Mark Webb’s book, always be smiling. I live at Sea Level and Mt Whitney is the highest peak in the lower 48 states at a little over 14,500 feet. The 8 count body builder is one of those fun strength / cardio exercises that can be done anywhere, without equipment. I was fortunate enough to have a gf who wrote me every other day while I was in boot camp. My heart sank a bit when the standards were announced because I had been under the assumption that they would be in line with the age/sex standards of the Army AFPT standards. My husband sent me a dozen roses while I was in Basic training. Eight-count body builders work a variety of muscles including upper and lower body with some added cardio. Does Sleeping At Night Count As Hours Toward The Fast? To this day, I can do pushups with the best of them. I don’t know how long it took us to cover that last mile but we did it fast. One girl in our div got a box from her husband who was in the army. Oh, and 8-count bodybuilders were a favorite torture tool of those "right bastards". video size: Advanced Embed Example. Mar 20, 2013 - For today we are going to talk about good old fashioned 8 Count Bodybuilders. I was fortunate enough to have a gf who wrote me every other day while I was in boot camp. Mate you should look into 8-count body builders for “burpee style” exercises (very similar to this). Malcolm47. Finally when we were a mile from the finish point we stopped again right as the sun was setting. Shit. One guy got fudge from his grandma for Christmas, enough for the whole division (~80 ppl) we were forced to do do push-ups, 8 counts, and the like while he stood at the front and ate it all. I was prepared for this and took it in stride. I was anticipating a 2 hour or so Welcome Party and looked at it as just another milestone between me and my goal. The punishment is as much for the person who is receiving the mail, as a rewards for the multiple people who are not receiving mail. Swung by the hotel for a quick rinse off and costume change, Grabbed my last Subway Sub, a couple of bananas and another bottle of Gatorade and moved back to the rental car. Woohoo! Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. One guy got fudge from his grandma for Christmas, enough for the whole division (~80 ppl) we were forced to do do push-ups, 8 counts, and the like while he stood at the front and ate it all. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I almost lost my voice yelling but it was a hell of a lot fun. I carried my Heavy weighted Ruck with me everywhere, to and from work, to the grocery store, etc. Now kick your feet at the same time back so that you finish in a push up position. 1. This AAR only covers the HCL portion of the 11/6 - 11/8 2014 Phoenix HCLS. To my surprise he said yes but I owed an 8 count body builder for every minute I was late. I actually started doing these 15+ years ago when I was in Boot Camp for the United States Navy. Amazing experience. About 3 weeks before the HCL I backed to backed a Challenge and Light. I do these every morning 4 times a week at about 4:00am to get the day started, and you talk about a pick me up. Ive never been so happy to do forty-three 8 count bodybuilders and I knocked them out and joined the group. We arrived back at the start point and after some more punishment we got patched. So it is smart for the Navy to take out advanced elements of fitness like 8 count body builders and 5-10 mile runs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A community for those who are GRT and those who want to become GRT, Press J to jump to the feed. Buy it. I used this time to do some foot care, make sure my electrolytes were right, and help out my teammates. Even though we were saddled with well over a 1000 lbs of Sandbags and other weights people moved efficiently and started cracking jokes. I made a judgement call, that turned out to be right, and ate more food then I had planned on. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines and they all show the exercise the 8 count body builder as one of the exercises that help get them in great shape. But one book a Navy Seal training manual talks about how every Friday they would have to do 1x100 of this brutal exercise. Cadre had everyone form up and asked who wanted to be team leader. Ill be honest. The midday Phoenix sun pushed the temperature into the high 80s and the group started to wilt a bit. Heath says to consume 1.25-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight for growth and he never exceeds a 1:1 meals to protein shake ratio, meaning if he has 3 shakes, he’ll have 3 meals. We got another Sandbag Body on a roll out litter to haul along as well. Research your environment and plan accordingly. I was sleepy and little demons started creeping in my head about just finishing up the 12 miles and going back to bed. I was worried that I might not get another chance and made sure to mix in complex carbs, sugars, and protein to balance me out for the short and long run. Thankfully I had trained harder than the AFPT standards for my age group so I felt somewhat confident that I could meet them and worked to start getting mentally ready. Once I got to the hotel I scarfed down one of my Subway subs, killed a bottle of gatorade, peeled off my clothes and jumped in the shower. Its been said and I’ll say it again. Squat and place your hands on the ground in front of you. The key to finishing a HCL is to show up for the Challenge! The Proper Pull-up (regular grip) – Grab the pull-up bar with your hands placed about shoulder width apart and your palms facing away from you. Lol, The best letters like that always come from former servicemen. I ate one of them then and put the other two in hotel fridge for between events. Most people in bootcamp are not coming from great households. This method is a sure strength builder, and if you take a close look at any successful powerlifter, you’ll notice the added mass in his frame. One of those people was me and if you ever want to feel worthless sit on a couch while your teammates struggle moving your fat ass around town. It was about 4.5 miles to the Light start point and I used that time/distance to scarf down all that food. 1. Yes, it does. Step 3: Kick your legs back so that you are now in the plank position. The challenge was to complete as many reps of this exercise as you could in 10 minutes. This worked ok but instead of waking up around noon like I hoped I woke up wide awake at around 830 am. 3. 1 – from standing position, PLACE HANDS on floor in front of you, at push-up width (just wider than shoulders, so arms form a 90-degree angle when you do your push ups) 2 – JUMP (or WALK if you are new to this/just getting started) the feet back to a PLANK position. Army , navy, air force and navy and they all show the performance of the 8 count body builder one of the exercises that help bring in great shape. Cadre recorded our names and let us know that we were on a Performance Profile and if we failed all three parts of the PT test we could be dropped then and there and that even if we didn’t we would be watched throughout the event for anymore performance issues and could be dropped at anytime. My drill sergeants never did this. for 8 hours. I knew I could crush the 12 mile ruck standard and I decided I was going to use that to erase any doubt from the Cadre’s mind about me being a possible performance drop. Our Drill Sergeants just fling them at us like ninja stars. I started quietly motivating him and in turn motivating myself to the finish. For. Up. Welcome to r/Funny, Reddit's largest humour depository. Train like a bodybuilder: If you're looking to maximize muscle size, target 8-12 reps per set (on average) and choose multijoint movements like the bench press, squat, overhead press, bent-over row, and deadlift, which recruit more total muscle mass than single-joint moves, thus allowing you to lift heavier weights. While this wasn’t solely for training it turned out to be a great prep event. To my surprise he said yes but I owed an 8 count body builder for every minute I was late. When I woke up and started changing I glanced at the hotel clock and saw that the challenge had already started. The first thing I did (and continued to do up to the event) was research and read everything I could. We carried that couch around with various people on it for hours. At the start of the Covid Quarantine I was on a body builder rant and had the Do 8 Give 8 Instagram challenge.Partly because I was annoyed with all of the push up challenges going around and partly because I wanted to show off an exercise that … Challenge. After a quick break we were instructed on the 12 mile route and sent off. I then made a near fatal choice that almost cost me my patch. We moved out again with intensity continuing to build. One more to go and that started in 1.5 hours. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I think Hero WODs due to there time/rep length are much better GoRuck prep workouts then normal Crossfit WODs. Love ya smoochies! I damn near cried and relished every hug I got from the 17 other weirdos that experienced this with me. Another guy got a gigantic 4’ cardboard penis from his brother in the marines. Alternate is one pushup for each 8 count body builder. I didn’t train for this event the way that I had wanted to but I think I ended up accidentally doing some things that helped more than a strict prep plan would have. I switched to a mostly strict low carb high fat diet. Ive never been so happy to do forty-three 8 count bodybuilders and I knocked them out and joined the group. Count 3 – lower yourself into a push-up. I actually started doing these 15+ years ago when I was in Boot Camp for the United States Navy. Instead of getting angry this go around I got really focused. Add the following CSS to the header block of your HTML document. Body Building Tips Muscle Building Sat Classes Fitness Tips Health Fitness Boot Camp Workout Sweat It Out Weight Training Get In Shape. 2. We made some additional movements shedding weight along the way but things continued to not get easier. This really helped me understand how I would feel between events and gave me great ideas for how to minimize suck/maximize rest which I felt was really key. In my slight delirium i didn’t realize my watch was still on West Coast time.

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